It was revealed that Super Junior’s Kangin, who has been involved in an assault case will be able to continue to appear on the KBS Drama’s show “Human network – Super Junior’s Miracle”.
In an interview with a person from the show’s product team, he/she said “there isnt thing such as we’ll edited out Kangin’s pre-recorded part of the show on purpose”, “because of wanting to help the poor kids, Kangin had come to the filming place very early in the morning and read the kid’s profile very carefully, he also showed his affection toward the show”, “although he is involved in the assault case, he is still a caring and hard-working person on filming process. I hope that he can continue to stay with us in the future”, thus hint that Kangin will be continue to be one of the official MCs of the show.
cr: cbs.co.kr
translated by evanesco@sj-world.net
may take out with full credits
i hope he gets taken off this role. hes too arogant and he doesnt deserve to be in super junior or hav the fans love. hope he goes to prisonn the thug.
Whether he deserves the fans love depends on the fans not you. And the person from the product team had a good impression of him, why would he even bother going to the filming place earlier if he's arrogant?
i believe he is a good person..
and i dun even sense that he is arrogant..
he had done alot since super junior was formed..
and hence i dare to sae that he deserve to be in super junior..
he deserve our love and trust..
and i believe he wont go to jail..
cuz he did not do anything wrong..
i will still support kang in and does not doubt him after incidences happen.he is a good guy in my opinion and i don care what others think
oppa fighting!!
I hate really those people who say someone deserves not to be where he is.
Who are you to judge?
Kangin worked hard to be where he is now.
Also Kangin is a wonderful person. And like Jaebum every one makes mistakes - that`s just the way human are.
Actually I still believe that he is innocent.
Kangin oppa Fighting! <3
ya... i agree with headshot.
if he is arrogan, he won't even bother to go to the filming site early.
by going early and reading up on the child's profile, it shows to us that he is actually very kind and helpful person...