SNSD's Tiffany went through another humiliating situation because of her "poor" Korean.
On SNSD's show Hello Baby!, Tiffany didn't know what Sa-Chul-Tang meant. Sa-Chul-Tang is a Korean soup that is made of meat from a goat. Realizing Tiffany had no idea what it was, her members teased her by lying to her. They told her the soup was made of four pieces of metal. Chul is the Korean word for metal whereas Sa means 4.
Because Tiffany is originally from the States, she isn't as fluent in Korean as her other members which has got her to be the target of some small pranks.
Tiffany has been tricked in the past episodes that a bug that is called Byu-Rook in Korea was a style that is really popular. They added that because Byu-Rook means to be stylish that is why there is a shopping area called Byu-Rook Mall.
Also in the newest episode where Tiffany thinks a soup is made of metal, Girls' Generation performs various dance routines to children songs, hip hop music, and R&B. They also did a perfect rendition of HOT's Candy.
This episode airs tomorrow on the 22nd.
ahh pity my tiffany! :) its okay!dont be feel humiliated its all good