If you are a regular visitors of Daily K Pop News,you might know that i have been working on a series of SNSD's short clips with the name of SNSD Cutie Moment. I know that i have not been working on this project for a very long time as i am very busy with school works nowadays.
Since i am having holidays for a few days,i decided to work on the project again.I have found some interesting cuts of SNSD where they attended Star Golden Bell when they were promoting "Gee" inFebruary..
All the videos below..
SNSD Cutie Moment # 16 Seo Hyun confessed to Big Bang's Seung Ri??
SNSD Cutie Moment # 17 Who is Yuri's Oppa?
SNSD Cutie Moment # 18 Who is SNSD's Sharapova?
Watch the clips and have some laughs please!!
Omg look at the guys face when yuri calls him. He looks like he has seen an angel.