Siwonie talks about how to get the hottest Body.!!

Being the hottest guy with the hottest body , well no.1 in the group of-course, Super Junior Siwon reveals the secrets to how he got body that every men wants. Aired on KBSTV May 27, Siwon reveals how 'To be the best at having a perfect body, and become the Idol on every Men's Health Magazine...' He shivered, 'I only exercise.' Yesung then revealed 'The exercise he does is really hard and really tough for me.' The accusation caused laughter amongst the members. Siwon also revealed that eating the most delicious foods gives you the body and figure that you want. He also said its easy to see the strengths of the other members when the light is on them when performing on stage. When the group was performing 'It's You' on KBS Music Bank, Siwon was one of the first one's to cry when they won an award. He said 'I loved being on the stage and being with the fans, its exciting.' He confessed that sometimes he has a teary moment even though he a strong man.

Credits: Korea precious
[K-world Princess]

  1. Anonymous says:

    siwonnie go!!!

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