090730 M! Countdown Highlights - T-ara's Debut Stage

T-ara will make their debut stage on M! Countdown today...

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Erm...i think i need another performance to judge.They are using head mics... not a very good thing for debut.Lots of back vocals backing them up and it is exactly like their recorded single.50-50 doubting.The bad thing about using headmics are that some of your voices couldn't be heard.The interesting part, T-ara's voice seem to come through all the way through the head mic. None of them adjust their headmics.You know what i mean...sometimes head mics are not smooth flowing sound through..some of the voices will be gone.Another part is Mnet's sound system are usually really bad.


7 Responses so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    I think T-ara are lipsnysing....

  2. Anonymous says:

    Isn't it normal to lipsync at their debut perf?

  3. Anonymous says:

    nope not normal. Normally they sing live

  4. ashtoh says:

    actually, can see they are lipsync-ing
    is it coz they are too nervous so the producer allow them lipsync?

  5. Colt says:

    There are several reasons for the lipsync: it's M!countdown, it's a live stage, they are nervous, first time in front of such a big crowd, so better to lipsync their first time to get rid of the stage fright, and do their best on MuBank.

  6. Anonymous says:

    ehhhh...totally lipsync performace...

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