2PM's ideal girls?

Credit: Kor-Eng by Muize@2pm-online.com
SOURCE: AsiaNews

2PM’s member Taecyeon said “I lack sense of fashion so I like the girl who can outperform it” which attracted the attention of viewers.

On June 30, in the segment “Fantastic Star Live Show” on “Choi Hwa Jung’s Power FM” Taecyeon has talked about his ideal girl “Since I don’t have sense of fashion so I like a girl who has distinguished talent above me”.

Still stay on the topic of ideal girls, Junsu said “I prefer girls who have distinction in style to plain one”. Wooyoung’s ideal is girls who dress neat t-shirt with jeans, Junho’s ideal is someone who wears what looks good on herself, for Chansung, he likes girls who dress properly according to occasions, places and situations.

SOURCE: Newsen

(Same info as above omitted)

Choi Hwa Jung asked 2PM members “Do you like girls in bikini or in one piece for swimsuit?” and they all said honestly that they liked girls in bikini.
Also, to answer to the question about ideal girls they said that Jessica Alba was their ideal making fans jealous.

Credits ; 2pm-online, images as tagged

  1. Anonymous says:

    hey my named is antinisha

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