2PM’s new sitcom Wild Bunny preview

The boys of 2PM will be ending promotions, but that just means.. more 2PM on variety shows! As a matter of fact, 2PM will be starring in their own sitcom titled Wild Bunny. The sitcom will air on July 21st at 2:00pm.

And here's some additional info about this upcoming sitcom, according to 2oneday:
"Chansung is to have a love line with one of the high school girls on the sitcom while Junsu will play the role of someone who talks to objects. Junho is to appear also as someone who is passionate for dancing and has celebrity posters all over his room.

Taec is to play a model who just came from America to Korea for some business. He apparently liked to party it up in America and I found his script on naver. The first scene starts off with him in the airport and he's wearing a suit. The weather gets to him and he starts speaking Konglish and takes off his suit jacket. He lands himself in a cafe and starts acting all smart with his English, asking the waitress if their ingredients are organic and stuff. When the waitress comes back with his order, he tilts his sunglasses down and winks at her. Unfortunately, she thinks he's creepy. But seeing her name as Eun Hee and not a waitress, I think she's bound to come back up during the sitcom.

The girls that are appearing on the sitcom are the girl from Idol Army Episode 3 (the high school girls who had a show with Junjin as their dad)."

credits: allkpop

  1. Anonymous says:

    haha junsu is someone who talks to objects?! rofl i can't wait for this =]

  2. Anonymous says:

    junsu talkin to obejects and taec actin greasy and talking konglish... wow this is going to be interesting... also love those girls they r really amusing... 2pm just can't seem to shake them off... they keep comin back

  3. Anonymous says:

    oh man not those 3 high school girls again...how sad for them oh well i think they can kinda cope with it for a while
    i loved junsu's smile in the preview! and he's talking to objects?!?! LOL
    can't wait!!

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