OKAY!!! Let the battle begin! or is there even a battle to begin with?
I know im not the only one who noticed that this year is basically dominated by girl groups. One girl group debuted one after the other, other groups made their comebacks. Yes we had some male action but now with Super Junior and 2pm gone... whose left? SHINee and just came back FT Island... while how many girl groups? I lost count.
But the real competition is among SNSD, 2ne1, 4minute. Heres how it happens:(most likely)
SNSD antis: fans of 2ne1, maybe 4minute fans,
2ne1 anits: SNSD fans, 4 minute fans
4minute antis: (everyone, joke :D) SNSD fans, 2ne1 fans
If SNSD wins, antis bash them sometimes using 2ne1 on bashing them, likewise with the others. But really, is there any point in this?
I am neutral here (Jaz dont laugh at this) ... ehem.... okay.... guilty.... i dont like 4 minute... not that it matters... lets get back to the topic.
SERIOUSLY i am sick and tired reading comments on articles where people bash each other because one commented against their idol and the same to the other... really.. whats the point?
The reason why your idols are there working their buts out are to entertain us, give us happines and inspire us not bashing each other. Seriously 2ne1, SNSD, and 4 minute are not at war with each other, theyr probably too busy with their respective activities to bother but here goes the fans starting a group war because one doesnt like the other etc.
Fans of groups, i heed to you this message:
"Let us all appreciate our idols hard work and accomplishments. If someone does not like the other then just keep your opinion to yourself for all your opinion will do is more chaos and squabbles. What do we get when we argue with each other because of misunderstandings and different opinions? nothing.... So let us all behave.. yes me included... and wish for the best for everyone."
I seriously believe fans have gone crazy and lost their values, I may be wrong, I may be right, but my intention is just for the better. All our idols purposes are to entertain us and give us happiness through their performances and I hope this silly "fan war/girl group war" will end...
Please do tell me what you think
LOL hehe =X shouldn't be laughing *cough* sorry bout that...nice article :).Actually to me, 4minute has the most antis comparing to SNSD and 2Ne1.
4 minutes remind me of wonder girls when their first debut in this industry..they have so many antis..but now whose in the top? of course Wonder Girls..so i think 4 minute have the magic to do the same..just wait
i prefer 2NE1 OR SNSD
i agree wif Jaz
but 4Minute just doesn't appeal to me much
sry ! :L
but wonder girls is different that 4minutes... i mean... talent wise.... *imagines 4minutes as opening act in jonas brothers concerst*
hahahahahahahaha XD
4minute live stinks i only heard them once n they were wad? practically 'going beyond what they can'. im being nice not using harsh words. furthermore durh obviously 4minute has the most antis, even though SNSD is a 50-50 4 me i tink they rock (100%) way better than 4minute.
2ne1 have good vocals (Dara is okay) & they perform well as rookies, although the songs are not my type. Hope 2ne1 (and SNSD too) will try different music genres in their next albums.
still dunno much about 4 min, so i won't judge.
haha princess, you are making me laugh.. !
2ne1 JJANG! :D LOVEEEEEEEEEEE 2ne1. snsd should let more rookies take overrrrrrrrrrrrr
honestly, 4minute has no redeeming factors at all.
first of all i just love all the girls make their effort for this year or should i say for the girl group competition.lol.they all have their speciality in every terms.but i think the most advantage at this point goes to snsd.the group have their own individual speciality except from singing.like some of the girls had been a dj.taeyeon is currently the permanent one.some can act,and i think all of them took acting lesson.mc's and so on.wow,this is quite long.sorry for that xp
thanks for that! I hope that everyone can understand that and respect each others.
i like some SNSD songs and the girls i have to think about it first..the only girls that i like in that group are yoona, yuri and sooyoung., thats it..and my opinion: THEY SHOULD CHANGE THE STYLES OF THEIR SONGS..they are getting older and their songs are still for kids.. (i mean kissing you wid lollipop)yayks
personally, for me they all have different genres... or specialties in a sense... and i am also like you in this topic... that everyone should be respected... i mean i know we have our own preferences... but who are we to judge another person if he/she likes another? ^_^
I think 2NE1 the best by far!
*cough* i don't like 4minute but i luv 2ne1 and snsd equally. i think its not fair that 2ne1 gets antiS cuz they're girl big bang...they get fans for that too of course ^^
and snsd gets antis just cuz they're close to dbsk and superjunior...
ANYWAYS...yeah, i hate how fans are always bashing on each other =(
no, battle of snsd and 2ne1
i don't think 4minute is at the others level =.=
maybe only jiyoon (shades)
its unfair to compare the groups. it especially stinks for 4 minute bc snsd has obviously been around longer & 2ne1 has members experienced and already known in the industry before they even debuted.
"4minute antis: (everyone, joke :D) "
haha that was funny as hell though lmfao
well there is one group i don't like....i won't point out which one in case people will bash at ME...but yeah i think it's kinda pointless to BASH at other groups cuz you prefer one out of the 3. just chill! ppl have their own opinions, don't try to change them!
I like 2ne1 the best. SNSD aint bad. 4minute sucks. Sorry if I offend their fans.
i prefer SNSD.
2ne1 and super junior are my fav
hm.. personally i prefer 2NE1 more as compared to SNSD (well 4 minute not that into them yet so not much comments to give about them too).. As for the reason why prefer 2NE1, obviously its because their music style is totally different from rest of the girl groups.. Anyway, i support 2NE1, SNSD and Wonder Girls..
am a fan of snsd^^
I prefer 2ne1 out of all the three groups. SNSD is next and 4minute is last. 4minute doesn't appeal to me at all and SNSD, i like them but not love them. I like their songs very much but the reason why I prefer is because 2ne1 is not like any other group. They're not cutesy or anything like that. I love 2ne1 and their songs..so unique and kewl. haha. 2ne1, then SNSD, finally 4minute. And to be honest, I dont' think 4minute should of been in this topic. It should of only been between 2ne1 and SNSD. :]]]