Ahead of their comeback, Brown Eyed Girls’ members Narsha and GaIn’s kiss scene in the MV was revealed.
They did the filming of their title song ‘Abracadabra’ for their comeback 3rd album on 11th July. This MV will focus on individual members’ stories and also features a kissing scene between Narsha and GaIn.
The still cut to the kissing scene was revealed and has become the hot topic amongst netizens.
Their company said, “During the filming, the staff has included many breath-taking special features to the MV. Because of the strong feeling given out from the title song, we have to put in such special features and scenes to the MV. The MV will be revealed in the 4th week of July.”
Meanwhile the Brown Eyed Girls will release their 3rd album on 20th July. And will have their comeback stage in the 3rd week of July.