Teukkie: Leader just managed to melt my heart even more. He tried to get as close to the fans as possible and went pretty much everywhere always reaching out to touch fans’ hands so i managed one low-five^^ And seeing him bawling right there was so touching. He provided plenty of entertainment too with pants almost falling off..haha he was running off the stage pulling his pants from every side . His solo was awesome.he seemed VERY happy.Nobody does the thrusting moves better than leader (EunHaeKyu GengMin come a close second/third though^^)lol At the end he was lying on his back on the floor and playing with the camera (can’t wait for the DVD!!!)
read the others inside this post!!
Heenim: charisma!! no matter what he does, the crowd goes wild!!I didn’t know he composed the song himself! great job-rock is like in his blood! At the end of the SJ T performances his Sandra Park hair was going to fall off and he was like, “What to do?” and holding his hair while dancing:D. When he came out for the members’ intro Siwon was reaching out for a bottle of water *to drink* but heenim started running away thinking he would get drenched and almost fell!haha He was giving a lot of mangnae love! and HeeSica was just fabulousness..even better than the real Sica.
Hangeng: He is really playful with the fans. He came so close to us..on the fireworks platform and gave out low-fives. Then later he came back there with his animal costume *bad idea* cos the fans caught his tail! haha it was so funny cos there was a playful tug of war and he was pretending to scold the fans and then laughed cheekily and ran off!
Plenty of HanChul moments every time they passed each other, they would get really close and in each others faces and then push each other away!
YeSung: a couple of bullying YeSung moments like always, like how when they were all sitting on the stairs, the members were showing love to each other..Yesung got up to hug Siwon but when he turned back to sit, the members all squished together and wouldnt give him a spot . But later lots of Ye<3.And his adlibs live were awesome! He threw a lot of stuff out to the fans like towels and water bottles! YeHyuk also tried really hard to go up to the crowds higher up and reach out to them!Security probably wasnt expecting it so fans were able to get really close to them.
Kangin: he just has such a “hyung/oppa” vibe. Even when he was just walking across the stage he’d give thumbs up signs and clap telling the fans they were doing a good job and saying thankyou!His solo was energetic and tons of fun especially the part where the backup dancers rip off his outer shirt Him and Shindong during “Puff the magic dragon” were soooooo cute<3 Lots of Kang and other boys moments.Kissing Siwon’s cheek, KangTeuk!!, pushing Hyukjae, spazzing about Junsu and SNSD being in the audience haha. When I say “Su” you say “Ju”.
Shindonghee: aww he’s lost so much weight!!still looks cute but also very handsome!He was constantly with other members hugging/joking esp. Wookie and Kyu. Kyu found a Robin Hood hat from the fans on the floor and was wearing it but later they switched so he got it and Kyu wore his pig head^^ His comedic dances during the members intro and the HyukDongGeng segment were<3. And with the pig head during “Puff..” so cute! He’s so good with body gags! The odor attack parts in those two were hilarious!
Sungmin: Aegyo Prince!! he also played with the fans a lot!The girl I was in line with had a towel with his nickname from Oppa Band and he saw it and gave her a thumbs up!He reached out to touch fans’ hands a lot and during the final encore he came to us with his gun with an evil laugh but he ran out of water so he was like, “just wait!” and went to get a water bottle. THen grinning evilly he filled up his gun and started spraying us but it also ran out quickly so he just decided to target one fan .Lucky girl got six spurts of water^^
Hyukkie: <3 He switches from dorky to hot in one second. He kept doing silly things that got scoldings and hits from the boys like pretend adlibs and saying “saranghaeyo lee hyukjae” to himself Also he was like the hat king..soo hot! for Heartquake he wore a fedora with feathers and really blinging SILVER shoes(<3 his style!), a newsboy cap for Hae’s solo, Anchovy head^^ and Marine girlboy hat at the end!His dance solos/breaks were all changed up a bit and SOOO good!! at one point he came over to us and took this girl’s sign for a bit! it said “anchovy oppa”
Hae: Our lovely boy never stopped smiling!Just by looking at his eyes you can see his innocence. He was close to tears when they were signing to E.L.F!His solo song was amazing. I didn’t even know he composed it himself! They need to do a studio version!!(i was in cloud 9 when Hyukjae appeared and the two danced<333) Hae’s dance was so smexyyy but just moments later he was so cute dancing to Pajama party with Donghee<3 and aww all the EunHae dance battles!!<3 He literally kicked Hyukjae in the middle of dancing during Don Don..haha At the end he picked up a micky mouse ears headband and wore it around:)
Siwon: THe prince lives up to his name!Kissing his own biceps:D. Everytime his solo came up in the more mellow songs the boys would gather around him be all spazzy and he’d just strike a kingly pose! His dorkiness level has risen a lot.. him flailing his arms during “Puff” was so cute and i couldnt believe it was gentleman Siwon.haha so cute and his intro dance lol. Whenever he looks at the fans he makes direct eye contact and u feel like he’s looking right at you! It was cute-him and Kangin were like encouraging the fans in such a brotherly way!
At the end of his church solo(^^) all the other boys came out to sing except for Heenim (lol) and HyukGengDong who had just finished performing He sang very well!!
Wookie: He was really a surprise!His confidence has really grown since the last concert. No need for words abt Insomnia<3 but literally every song-balllad or up tempo his voice never wavered. Even though his tone his high, its so clear and powerful!! And he was so cute with the fans- at one point he was came over and was like “watch me!” and would point directly at fans shoot .Like point to his eyes then at fans and shoot!He must’ve shot at least 50 girls that night He’s alsoso caring.he was always wiping the other members’ faces.
Kyumangnae: we have a destiny or something haha..evry show he sits in front of my section As usual he was so cute! he was close to tears singing for E.L,F but then started playing with the fans.He told these girls he liked their shirts and then was like “its hot” so the fans started fanning him and he gave an ok sign.During his solo he started tearing up,making it even more beautiful!And his voice–exactly like the CD and so soothing! He kept jumping around energetically so the fans were like “be careful!” During “puff the magic dragon” (yes he sang solo In english!), he started laughing and missed a line
Understandable though..the perfomance was hilarious! Wookie trying to slither like a snake/KangDong as baby and dragon(when they were spinning around Donghee let go and Kangin fell lol) and BEST! TeukHae as dragon capturers who were actually undercover “flashers”
KiBummie even though he couldn;’t be there was there in HeeSpirit! They took the Kibum face stick and were passing it around!When Heenim did his imitation Junsu and the SNSD girls were laughing so hard! Teuk said that Kibum called them after the first show and said he was sorry about his leg and wished he could be there<3
other random moments:
- The boys in animal costumes crawling out of the hole right in front of us for Carnival (i<3that song!). so cute!
- Jungmo’s scared face when the lift thing (that was supposed to take him down after his perfomance with Heenim ended) kinda jumped<3
- Teukkie’s entire family was there and at the end the boys were like we have to thank the person in Seat #… And Teukkie was like “Thanks noona!” <3
- Also i think it was Kyu’s mother’s bday or anniversary (not sure) but everyone sang the Congratulations song!
- They were talking abt friends who came to watch and the boys were like DBSK’s Junsu came to watch! “We are so thankful Junsuyaaa!!Where are you?” But Junsu had just left lol..
- Junsu was laughing his head off at Hyukjae in the fart segment ^^
THings I LOVED more about this show than SuSHow I:
- the outfits!! omg the leather jackets<333 and the Don Don outfits hotness overload. White suits for Sorry Sorry!!
- The remixes especially Neorago and Sorry Sorry! <3 Neroago!
The videos played during the concert were amazing and all so well made! I loved the intro with the boys appearing in the park, the SJ T crack with King KOng and superheros , Super Attack , Super Gee, message to E.L.F but my favourites were Super Zoo (its a comic narrated by Heebum I think . The drawings were done so well and incredibly cute esp. Shindong as the pig princess!) and the Super Junior lookback. It had an old man looking back at CDs, pictures and videos of SJ from debut till now.touching and beautiful.
Credits: JunEunHae <3 @ Soompi