Kibum didn’t come.
Hangeng cried.
After the fans sang for Kibum, SJ came back for encore. After the encore the whole stadium chanted Kim Kibum’s name.
Then SJ said their thanks, while the fans continue to chant Kim Kibum’s name, which covered up all of SJ’s thank yous.
Leeteuk called for Kibum to come out, but then it was Heechul who came out.
Then the whole stadium shouted for Kibum again. Leeteuk, again, called for Kibum to come out. But the person who came out was Shindong.
The whole stadium chanted, “Protect 13 only”. Leeteuk said SJ does have 13 members only and told them to chant “Protect Super Junior” instead.
Then Leeteuk asked Hangeng to say his thank yous in chinese, Hangeng said thank you to the fans who came from China. After that, Hangeng cried, till he couldn’t continue what he was saying. He just kept saying,’ Thank you, thank you.’
Credits to siwon915 @ SJ’s baidu
Translated by chloeee @ SJ-world.net
omg they made my hangeng cry! /_\
seriously, i hate those kind of fans!
this reminds me of super-m, when some fans were against zhoumi and henry because of the 13 only. in my opinion this is ridiculous. and now that kibum is not with them, the fans act like that?? i would be very happy just seeing two or three members. i understand that the fans miss kibum, but that was just too much. it was pretty obvious that he was not with suju that time! why make them feel uneasy and awkward?
yes, i'm really stressed now >D