Girls' Generation ranked at 3rd place on NAVER!

NAVER is one of the top korean search engine and Girls' Generation is the 3rd most searched keyword!

The ranking of the members are as below

Jessica--No.4,Increased 5 places!

Tae Yeon--NO.13,Increased 9 places!

Yoona--NO.26,Increased 4 places!

Tiffany--NO.29,Increased 5 places!

Seo Hyun--NO.34,Increased 15 places!

Yuri--NO.38,Increased 7 places!

Sunny--NO.41,Increased 11 places!

Soo Young--NO.62,Increased 7 places!

Hyeo Yeon--NO.99,Increase 5 places!

Jessica is ranked at the highest place!!Good job SNSD!!

Credits:Kacey@Daily K Pop News

One Response so far.

  1. Mellerz says:

    Well.. It is Sica XD

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