Guess # 3

Dear visitors..Please a make a smart guess!!

Hint:She is a "Pretty Girl"...

  1. Anonymous says:

    its hara from kara ! : D

  2. Jaz says:

    Hara from KARA hehe ^^

  3. Anonymous says:


  4. Jheane718 says:

    She is Goo Hara from Kara,.!!

    I'm just wondering,. is she had a surgery on the eye.!!?

    Mostly koreans go to had a big eye.,!! Here,. if you have a big eye,. or have a beautiful eye.,.. you are so beautiful.,!!! Big eye is really rare here in korea.,!!! But then now., there many great make-ups thats really shows what you want.,!! if you want a big eye, there's a appropriate make-up to looks like it.,!!!

    Chwesong., I'm just asking.,!!! Hope that you don't get me wrong,.!! I'm really really sorry.,. for asking!!! I'm just wondering.,!!

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