Infinity Challenge Cast Meets Potential K-Pop Success?

So the cast of Infinity Challenge are teaming up with hit artists such as After School and Epik High to perform a 'summer style' song. Question is, which team has the potentional to receive the best summer hit award?

All collaborations can be viewed in the full post.

Yu Jae Seok, Tiger JK & T(Tasha Reid) - Let's Dance

Jong Hyung-Don & Epik High - 바베큐(Barbecue)

Junjin & Lee Jung Hyun - Se Orita

Jeong Jun-Ha & After School - 영계백숙 (Chicken Soup)

Noh Hong Cheol & Nobrain - 더위먹은 갈매기 (The Hot Weather Had the Sea Gull (?))

Gil & YB -
난 멋있어 (Difficulty is Stylish)

Park Myung Soo & SNSD's Jessica - 냉면(Cold Noodle)

credit goes to smint134 @ youtube

One Response so far.

  1. kamai says:

    for me it would be jessica and park myung soo
    mungsica or still love all of the other performances

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