- Donghae’s solo on Super show 2 is a song called “Beautiful”, Donghae himself composed the music and also wrote the lyric for the song. Kangin said that even when Donghae worked on the song, he didnt let the other members hear it so yesterday rehearsal when they could listen to the song, they felt that it is a good song
- Heechul’s solo is a song called “혼” (Soul/Spirit), The TRAX’s Jungmo composed the song’s music and Heechul wrote the lyric
- Leeteuk said this time, they want to show a mature concept so that’s why Wook got a sexy performance. Wook said he just did the ballad song but the other members said to him “It’ll be good too if you do a dance song” which Shindong said he’s already done the perfomance and Eunhyuk said although they dont force him, Ryeowook himself will do that however.
- They said that “Gee” performance is all Heechul’s idea which Heechul said they had showed the cool image in the SS1, now they want to show a funny image. Heechul said because of this perfomance, he had joined SNSD’s Jessica’s fancafe but he had been banned because he didnt follow what the level up form said. Kangin said all the members had to go for an audition in front of Heechul if they want to take part in the perf in which Shindong had been dropped out. Yesung asked Heechul why he was rejected which Kangin said that it’s because his busy schedule ^^. Heechul said he himself had asked every members of SNSD “What is the point of your part of the performance ?”
- Leeteuk said they planned to have 15 concerts this time and they’ll come to Thailand, Japan, Hongkong, Taiwan, Malaysia…as well. Shindong also said they might perform song in that country’s native language when they come to there
- Leeteuk said they might come back next year
original article here, here
translated by evanesco@sj-world.net
may take out with full credits
Indonesia please....huhuhuhuhu...
oh my oh my oh my!!! there's coming to malaysia ^^
hope that's true ^^
when they r coming to malaysia ?
i really can't wait 4 it ...
thnx ya 4 da good news !
they might be back next year??? "might" O____o i hope he said "they will" that will make me feel much better
yaey!!there malaysia in the list <<3 really cant wait.
I don't give much hope for them to come to MY. Isn't that last year also they said that. Erm...
eh, i'm betting those 15 concerts will be cut down at least by 3, SJ-M is making their comeback this year, i heard... and theres smtown