Girls' Generation's popularity is at peak at the moment.Unsurprisingly SNSD's members have to attend many activities and some of them do not have sufficient time to eat and rest.
I notice that Jessica is getting thinner and thinner nowadays..Who do you think among all the members do not have enough rest?Or just Jessica alone facing the problem??
i think she is similar to SunMi - WG
they are not easily get fatten, u know what i'm mean (i mean in a good way) :)
hahaha anyway she is pretty :p
if u watched them on their new "mother" show...they are all ridiculously tired and skinny.... they have huge bags underneath their eyes even with the makeup!! =( feel soo sorry for poor idols..well famous ppl in korean in general....so sad...!
Jessica is too skinny...
hope she eats more.
Tiffany sometimes looks not as lively as she was before.
shes always been skinny
i think they had talk about how they loose their weight because of preparing for their new mini album.they say that they lost their baby fat i think.if i'm not mistaken
she sweats the most of snsd (watch their shows) so yeah. she's the only member who has lost weight since debut (the other members just lost weight in their faces maybe but not their bodies). i think she's okay. i've seen her eat.
lol @ some ppl here making excuses for her.
"i think she's okay. ive seen her eat"
you seriously think she's okay just because you see her eat for a second on tv?! you dont know what happens behind closed doors.
"they lost their baby fat"
you are ridiculous to believe this. they cant ALL hv lost their baby fat at the same time.
it's obvious they went through a strict diet and exercise regime.
and although jessica has always been a thin girl, she used to hv very nice curves...she has a child's body right now. it definitely isnt natural. dont even think she's menstruating right now..she has no fat on her.
You guys can be nutritionists!
noooooo!!!! of course not.....you think? noooooo!
She is most definitely too skinny. Honestly, she wasn't ALWAYS this skinny, if you see when SNSD first debuted. Then, she looked pretty HEALTHY. She's lost, from what I can see, at least 10 pounds. When you watch fan cams (that way, the lights and technology aren't editing) you can see her arms are.. really skinny (it's actually rather scary). She needs to gain some weight, seriously. She doesn't look too healthy.
I personally hate Jessica the most out of all snsd members but I'm really worried about her health she is stick thin I think she needs to go visit her doctor I don't think she is getting enough of her daily nutrients and trust me if she continuous she will suffer with health issues I've been there and I'm now suffering with excessive hair loss even if I'm getting the nutrients its still there.