[Video] Tiffany and Yoona clearing up their Music Core's incident

For you who have been wondering about the rumour of Tiffany not wearing any underwear during their performance on June 27th's episode of Music Core, find out the answer inside this post!

If you don't have any idea what "underwear" incident we're talking about, see this fancam video first! At around 2:00 mark Yoona lifted up Tiffany's skirt and her face made some people think Tiffany didn't wear anything under.

On July 1st, when SNSD members appeared on TaeYeon's ChinChin Radio, Tiffany and Yoona got to clear up this misunderstanding. For the subs make sure to turn on the annotations!


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  1. why would she not wear any underwear?
    huh~some ppl just misundertood things too easily...
    SNSD Fighting!

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