[News]T-ara takes a 180 degrees transformation for the fresh new image tara_190809_2

Group T-ara takes on a 180 degrees transformation for a fresh concept.

T-ara is a 6-member female group which recently debuted with the song ‘Lies’. The song is currently one of the hottest song on online music charts.
With the black and white concept that they have been donning for the past 4 weeks since they debut, they took a change for vivid bright colours and casual style this time.

This style will be revealed through a swimming pool version of their MV ‘Lies’ to be released on 19th August.


What is it with them, first they debut with a black and white theme which is boring and bland and not working !!! and now they decide to change it to the cute concept? This is making me laugh, practically they end up following other girl groups style.Another MV for lies, how many MV T-ara wanna make?

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