#07.08.2009 CL: In definite view
Check out the rest of their me2day updates below!

#07.08.2009 Dara: My boyfriend HaRangee~!^.^ Good looking right?! In between.. SorryㅋI said I wanted to take the photo with him alone!..ㅋWe look good together girl? The meeting between Dara noona and tough younger boy..gyaa.. Say it’s you!ㅋㅋ

#07.08.2009 CL: Looking S DRAGON oppa’s charms: Bbang bbang (big explosive?) belly

#07.08.2009 Dara: Euahhhhhhhhngㅜㅠ Bbommie always bother me!ㅠㅠ She keep saying I’m cute and bothers meㅠㅠ Call me by San-to-ggi (San Rabbit)ㅠㅠ Aigoo… Saying “Neu jjonm gieulp saenggidda! (’You look so cute’ in bad pronouciation).. Understand the Bbommie accent?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
4th time already?! wow 2NE1 is the best!!
But i'm still on for SNSD.
i luv 2ne1 more!
they re evolutionn!!
2NE1 the best...
love them!!!