[News] SJ Kim Heechul wants to be 9th member of OPPA BAND

All the members of MBC “Oppa band” have left for a music travel as the autumn is coming.

On the recent filming of “Oppa band”, with the dress concept “Autumn guy”, every member of Oppa band has showed their own fashion style and got on the train. This day, their rival on the train is an university band and the two bands have had a band battle.

Besides, on that day Super Junior Kim Heechul had appeared without people’s knowing and said “I want to become the 9th member of Oppa band”. Recently, Heechul always showed his interest toward Oppa band and on that filming day, he even asked whether he could become an official member but it’s a pity that there isnt any vacant position in Oppa band.

Because of being worry about their spot, all the Oppa band’s members kept a look-out on Heechul and Kim Gura even used malicious language to him. Despite of Kim Gura’s abusive language and Tak Jaehoon’s harsh treatment, Heechul still showed his determination.

The show will be aired at 5.20PM on September 20th.

original article is here
translated by evanesco@sj-world.net
may take out with full credits

  1. Anonymous says:

    Kim Hee Chul HWAITING

  2. Anonymous says:

    i would surely want that....!!!! kekekee~ the original bandmates... reunited with Jungmo... OMO! the two guys whom Heenim kissed. Jungmo and Sungmin in a show?! FTW!!!!!! kakakka~

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