SNSD's Jessica has challenged her fellow group mate, Tiffany in the "Love Contest" to see who Kyungsan chooses to crawl to between them.
In the show, Jessica and Tiffany were clapping to get the baby to crawl to them. However, clapping proved to be very useless in grasping the baby's attention. So Jessica used her secret weapon: MUSIC! Jessica began singing Tiffany's popular track from the Ja Myung Go OST "By Myself", which took her by surprise. Tiffany quickly retaliated by singing "Can You Hear Me?" from the popular Beethoven Virus OST. At this point, the baby began to make its move.
Who do you think the baby crawled to?
credits to allkpop and tjql0321
Tiffany perhaps ^^
sica ! sory tiffany