[News] *UPDATE* Most Powerful Korean Idol Groups' Fanclub

1. SNSD – S♥NE
2. Super Junior – E.L.F
3. DBSK – Cassiopeia
4. SS501 – Triple S
5. Wonder Girls – Wonderfuls
6. Kara – Kamilia
7. SHINee – SHINee World
8. Big Bang – VIP
9. 2PM – Hottest
10. Shinhwa – Shinhwa Chang Jo
11. FT Island – Primmadonna
12. 2AM – I AM

Source: Break News
Translations: KPOP JJANG
cr:♥ KPOP JJANG 짱!


  1. Anonymous says:

    with hot issues about 2pm and their hottest fan..i think they should be number 1..my opinion

  2. Anonymous says:

    i agree too :D

  3. Anonymous says:

    Not really, it's the number of members that matter...Hottests are like 200k in number while cassies 800k, Triple S 400k, ElF 400k (not sure) SONE - not sure but they sure are a lot (these are the biggest fanbases...I don't question it). The point is, if what you're seeing in the case of 2pm right now is "crazy."

    I think it'll be world war 3 if DBSK disbands and SM will be burnt to pieces...haha and with the many antis of SNSD, their fanbase is the strongest of all.

    Hopefully someone would share this to allkpop

  4. Anonymous says:

    YES! TRIPLE S!!! KAMILIA!!! DSP Love!!!

  5. Anonymous says:

    only 3 girls group manage to go into the list =.= SNSD ROCKZ!!

  6. Anonymous says:

    we are ELF~oeor!
    soon .. we will be the number 1 :)
    suju + elf = ♥ONELOVE♥

  7. Anonymous says:

    vip and hottest!!!love big bang and 2pm..

  8. Anonymous says:


  9. Anonymous says:

    i feel cassies has the most members...so i dunno whether it's considered as powerful but they do have A LOT of members

  10. Anonymous says:



  11. isabel says:

    snsd number 1.....fighting...they are number 1 becuz their fans help them to prove that they did not plagiarize the song tell me your wish and they made it..

  12. isabel says:

    this is the reason that the snsd is number 1..fighting..

    Netizens have chosen So Nyuh Shi Dae for having the fanclub with the strongest "power". "Power" in this case is used to describe the positive activeness of a fanclub.

    The community portal site, dcinside.com, conducted a survey from the 8th to the 15th with the subject, "What idol group fanclub do you think has the strongest power?" So Nyuh Shi Dae's fanclub, SONE, took the first place.

    From a total of 6,527 votes, the fanclub SONE got 1,888 votes (28.9%) and is doing great in its roles as reliable supporters for So Nyuh Shi Dae since last year. As much as SNSD is enjoying popularity by a variety of united generations, there are also extreme anti-fans, and needless to say SONE is trying to keep them in check. Whenever criticism came up, SONE showed an uncommon "power" by actively clearing the issue. Recently, when So Nyuh Shi Dae was accused of plagiarism in their song, "Tell Me Your Wish", their fanclub checked it directly with the person in charge and even proved that the singer was the one who plagarized SNSD's song.

  13. Anonymous says:

    This not accurate at all....the way this "survey" was conducted is very faulty.

  14. Anonymous says:

    VIP !!!
    I'm with you !

  15. Anonymous says:

    I garee with you this is not accurate at all
    I haven't something VS the SNSD fan club but I really don't thing that they are first...
    Cassiopeia and ELF have much more influence !

  16. Anonymous says:

    i don't agree with soshi on the top
    it should be suju
    the poll only considerate for e.l.f in korea
    they should see the world
    suju or tvxq is more popular even among the people who not interested in kpop
    my friends is not interested in kpop but they still know SUPER JUNIOR and TVXQ but when i asked them about snsd they kinda blur
    This one is not acceptable and accurate!!

  17. janettt says:

    let got VIPPPP !

  18. Anonymous says:

    I wonder how it was done 'cause Big Bang #8 WoW
    And DBSK #3 ?? I was pretty sure Cassioepia will always be #1
    Seems like SM rules xD
    YEAH KAMILIA!!! <3 ~~

  19. Anonymous says:

    something about this list seems so wrong

  20. Anonymous says:

    KOREAN members are the ones that matter the most...that's because they're the ones that are really registered! Fans maybe Suju and DBSK would win but fanclub is diffirent.
    Congrats Sone! I'm a triple S and Kamilia, DSP line!

  21. Anonymous says:

    I think you just madei it up in order to get more people's attention to your site by your faulty stupid chart.

  22. Anonymous says:

    i always thought ELF and Cassiopeia were always at the top why's SNSD so high?!?!

  23. Anonymous says:

    i love how 4 of them are SM groups xD
    but yeah Cassiopeia and ELF should def be at the top

  24. Minako says:

    Cassies & ELF ^^
    I think HOTTEST is growing.

  25. Anonymous says:

    Cassies & ELFs are the best :D
    I don't think Sone deserves to be in the 1st place.
    Cassies & ELFs just seems to be much more influential !

  26. Anonymous says:


    “I’ve been keeping quiet for LONG ENOUGH! I set up this fan page as a friend of Jay. There is some few statement i need to clarify

    1. Jay is being pressured to leave 2pm. I wouldnt use the word “forced” as “pressured” is more appropriate dont make me go in details on this.

    2. MOST of the members of 2pm are quietly supporting on the boycott actions that K-hotties are doing now. One of the member told me WooYoung Cyworld message is to hint the Khotties to continue the boycott and fight for Jay, coz they (2pm members) also has been told not to back up Jay.

    3. Jay’s wound is heeling on the previous days until JYP came out with another statement yesterday, which makes him fell into depression again. Please dont leaving message such as : JAY PLEASE COME BACk!. PROBLEM IS HE WANTS TO BUT HE CANT!

    4. Friends like us has been helping him here and there hinting hottest that : Only fans can save Jay’s career now but it seems only 10% of the fans are paying attention on this. PLEASE READ THIS : ONLY FANS CAN SAVE JAY’s CAREER NOW!

    5. Jay has been pouring all his hardwork for 4-5 years to become where he is standing now do you think he will give up coz of such matters and let everything go down the drain? He is really depressing now i chatted with him yesterday he even changed his display picture to an all dark screen. can u guys understand how he feels now?

    6. Do you know how it feels..when you wan to tell the whole world about the truth but you just cant and all these is hurting you loved one? Im feeling VERY VERY HELPLESS thats why i am writing this.

    7. and Yes, Jay has been reading all the comments in websites and all that you guys have been sending him and thats why he was able to feel better until the storm came yesterday. He was doubt about everything again. He is thinking of give up everything now. SO PLEASE HOTTEST, PLEASE TRY YOU BEST TO GET JAY BACK

    8. Lastly, spread this.”

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