2PM's Wooyoung, Chansung and Taecyeon were spotted by fans finally smiling a genuine smile since the departure of their leader Jaebum.
It has been exactly one week since 2PM's leader Jaebum left 2PM and Korea since his Myspace scandal was blown way out of proportion. Fellow members Wooyoung and Taecyeon had to continue their MC duties on SBS Inkigayo last week and many fans noticed that they were not their usual selves. Though the boys were smiling, you could see in their eyes that the smile was fake and they weren't truly happy. Also, Taecyeon has been continuing promotions for "내 귀에 캔디 (My Ear's Candy)", his single with Baek Ji Young, and fans have noticed his lack of enthusiasm during his recent performances.
However, fans spotted the boys going to school yesterday and they are looking a lot better than they were this past week. Wooyoung and Chansung were spotted going to school together and seemed to be enjoying themselves on the walk there.
Looking at these pictures, one can see the dramatic difference in Wooyoung's smile than the ones he gave during Inkigayo this past week. It's also good to see maknae Chansung doing well since the other 2PM boys have not been seen since Jaebum's departure.
Also, fellow 2PM member Taecyeon was spotted in class and flashing his beautiful smile to his fellow classmates
Credits: 2ONEDAY and shinestar's CyWorld for the pictures & OMGKPOP
well well well could this smile be a good news?? Maybe this smile telling us that JAy is coming back to our our 2pm Leadja again?????
they going to school? or college? they seem adult to go to school.haha
haha i think taecyeon was signing autographs in school!
and it is really good to see them smile! =)
maybe they're over it already. iono when i was watching hot blood episodes, they cried when those three guys got eliminated but they were over it by the end episode so iono maybe its like that. maybe they are in reality okay with it.