[News]f(x)‘s Amber Celebrates Her Birthday on Music Bank

Birthday wishes to f(x) member Amber, who just turned 17!

Amber celebrated her birthday with f(x) members as well as fans, prior to and after the filming of the September 18th episode of KBS Music Bank.

Amber stated:

"It's my first birthday since debuting. I'm really feeling the love from fans. I'm so happy. It's the first time I've received this kind of present since my birth."

In addition Amber stated:
"I'm really anticipating meeting my fans tonight. This is such a special birthday to me. Thank you so much."

Working on her birthday, but at least she's spending it with her fans, which makes her happy. Happy Birthday Amber!


  1. Unknown says:

    happy birthday!!

  2. 940825 says:

    saengil chuka hamnida amber.!!!!!!!!!! :)

  3. she has the same birthday as me. xD
    mine is 18.9.1995~

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