YG discusses (in serious detail...props to the translator, omg) all the plagiarism rumors.
He talks about GD being labeled as a 'genius.'
He also addresses the beef with broadcasting companies and TV channels.
And for all the fans who've wanted happy news, Taeyang is coming out with his solo single mid-October and GD will have 2 solo concerts early December.
Hi, It's Yang Hyun-Seok.
For the past few months, there were way too many rumors and misunderstanding regarding YG Entertainment.
Frankly speaking, we kept our words, because we did not think it was right to defend against every single rumors.
I am feeling deeply sorry for burdening you with our silence, and decided to explain ourselves.
I will answer the questions as if we were in an interview setting.
There has been an issue of plarigiarism regarding G-Dragon's solo album title song, Heartbreaker.
How come YG has not released an official statement regarding this issue?
- First, before discussing this issue, I sincerely apologize as a person who loves music, and as a producer who is taking part in improving popular music industry. The reason why YG and G-Dragon did not release a statement up till now is that we heard that the publishing companies have sent the music file to the original composer, and we have been waiting for a reply. We did not think it was right to release our opinion before the composers have.
It was broadcasted on "News magazine 2580 (시사매거진 2580)" that Sony ATV has sent a warning to
YG entertainment. What is YG's response?
- First of all, we are very upset towards Sony ATV. Everything they do, they try to justify it in the media as an official statement. I do not know whether they sent the warning to YG or they sent it to broadcast it in the media in the first place.
To the makers of music, the word 'plagiarism' represents the worst honour. Even if the composers say 'it isn't plagiarized', it remains as unhealed deep wounds to those involved. In case of "Heartbreaker", the other publishing companies owning 90% of the rights have remained silent, whereas Sony, owning 10% of the rights, have released their "official statement" on the media.
A few days ago, a lawyer from Sony ATV was interviewed with "News magazine 2580", and told that they have sent a warning to YG entertainment. The only thing YG is concerned about, is that the public is thinking as if YG has been sued from the composers and YG is in a deep trouble. Contrary to the public's belief, the warning Sony ATV sent to YG is nothing but mere document they could send hundreds of copies per day. It contained no opinions of the composers themselves, it looked like it was quickly made to be broadcasted. Apart from the lawyer of Sony ATV, there was the president of Sony ATV Korea, Heo Young-Ah. You need to remember that she appeared as a board member for Korean Music Publishing Association; she concealed her identity as the president of Sony ATV Korea.
Ever since this issue of plarigiarism broke out, YG has never asked for anything from Sony ATV. We did not want to resolve this issue without the public knowing. If there needs to be any legal actions taken, YG will try its best, and is not afraid a bit. However, we have heard that Sony ATV has only two to three people working, and we have been concerned with that. "Are they able to contact the composers directly?" "Are the original composers interested in this matter at all?" For nearly a month, we have not heard a single word from the composers, and we are doubting for a bit.
In the warning Sony ATV sent to YG, there are not only G-Dragon's "Heartbreaker" and "Butterfly", but also 2NE1's "I Don't Care" and Big Bang's Japanese song, "With U". We were surprised to see new songs being accused, but we will think it as Sony's new strategies, thinking that accusing G-Dragon alone is not enough. For the cases of "I Don't Care" and "With U", they are the works of YG's main producers, Teddy and Perry. Teddy has been a producer for 10 years, and Perry has been for 15 years. There are hundreds of songs they composed and
produced. Among them, there may be cases they might be accused, but for the past 10 years, there has been any accusations for their works. They remained in YG despite the countless scoutings from others. They have high prides of their music, and are hurt deeply from Sony ATV's hush press releases. Their hurt pride is not able to be healed fast, and YG has been accused full of "composers who plarigiarize" in the public. To be honest, I think because they are famous and both producers, Sony ATV is using them for their advantage.
Sony ATV has accused that G-Dragon's "Butterfly" has copied OASIS' "She's Electric" for having similar parts. The musician who appeared on "News magazine 2580" stated that the parts the two songs are similar are 2 bars, panning approximately 5 seconds. But he also stated that because that is the main sequence melody, it may be a problem.
Then, I think I get to ask you a question as well.
A few days ago, Mariah Carey's new song, "Standing O" teaser was released on youtube. Comparing this song to "In The Club", you get 8 bars of similar parts. It is 24 seconds, instead of 5 seconds, also has it as its major motive, and adding up the similar parts together, results in approximately 1 minute. What is Sony ATV's opinion towards this song? I don't know, but I am sure that you can't easily say that Mariah Carey has plarigiarized 2NE1's song that was released 3 months ago, although it contains longer and clearer motives from "In The Club".
I have thought reversely as well. "What if this was G-Dragon's music? What if it was the other way around?" It is quite scary.
Although embarassing to admit, the music Sony ATV presented for "I Don't Care", none of the composers nor myself have heard the song, because it isn't the type of music we listen to in the first place. Upon Sony ATV's standards, if you were to put together pieces of any music together by force, I do not think any music could be innocent in your standards. If protecting the rights of publishers is Sony ATV's job, you should also take a note that other publishers' dignity and rights are just as important.
Because Sony ATV released such rash public statements, YG and G-Dragon had to receive more sarcastic remarks and offensive responses, but we decided not to release our statement towards Sony ATV through the media. It is because we respected your company, NOT because we did not have anything to say. The first and last proposal from YG to Sony ATV, is that please deliver us the opinions from the original composers to YG, and stop releasing unconfirmed statement to the media before anything finalizes. If the 4 songs you warned YG are proved to be innocent in the near-future, you should be prepared to see YG's reaction.
Where does YG stand in this plarigiarism issue?
- In my opinion, all the arguments and discussions could be seen different depending on the views and the viewers. So, I cannot explain my personal opinion of whether it was influenced by other songs or not.
However, in the center of attention, there is "Heartbreaker". This issue emerged above the surface because it had similar rap-flow as Flo Rida's Right Round. Right Round is an extremely famous song even in Korea, and recently another Korean artist has sung it with translation, and appeared on the media. It is impossible that the composers at YG and G-Dragon tried to go around their way to plagiarize. It is impossible, because with the internet and all, everything gets revealed quickly.
Many expressed their concerns, "Why did G-Dragon do this? For the rappers who write and rap, it shouldn't be hard to fix a few verses and re-recording", and "How come did Yang Hyun-Seok, Teddy, Perry and Kush never mention that to G-Dragon?" It isn't because we were trying to fool the public, but the other way around. I did not expect such a stir among the public, and I think I should be 100 folds more responsible than G-Dragon as the executive producer. I am truly sorry to G-Dragon and his fans who are burdened alone.
Any more wrongs from the media and misunderstandings?
- YG never released a statement that "Heartbreaker is G-Dragon's solo-composed piece. Would the public like this piece if this was a plagiarized piece?". This is absurd and truly psychotic. Due to high interest to Big Bang and 2NE1, there are many unsaid things being reported to the media, and rumours are creating more rumours. Because i do not socialize as much, there are haters and misunderstandings happening frequently.
Recently, KBS Radio boycotted all the YG music from being played on the air, and because 2NE1's manager declined an interview request, one newspaper continuously pours out articles containing some crap about YG. Even yesterday, he wrote that "Yang Hyun-seok is loving his artists in the wrong way". For the past three months, there are over 30 articles he wrote against YG. I think the saying, 'you never get tired' suits him for sure. I think it is maybe because he has too much love and interest towards YG.
Mere entertainment companies can't fight against media corporations. It is also hard to lobby them to put on better articles. I try to think to groom myself first instead of talking badly of others these days.
There are opinions which claim that "the issue has elevated because YG has been covering G-Dragon as a genius composer". What do you think about this?
- The funny thing is, for the past 9 years G-Dragon has resided in YG, never I nor YG called him as a genius composer. I am known to be cold and objective from my artists. The fans know that I am not that kind of person complementing the artists often. In opposite, the fans were upset because I talked about G-Dragon's collaboration process with others.
There are around 60 songs which G-Dragon took part in compositing and writing lyrics. Usually he wrote the lyrics by himself, but when composing music, he collaborated with many people. The reason is because he has been really busy to take time arranging the songs. When G-Dragon was 16 years old, I have used my own personal money to get him some musical gear, and G-Dragon has made many hiphop tracks, but because Big Bang debuted and had rigorous schedule, it had been stopped. I heard that there are 10 people holding license for "Right Round".
It is such an ordinary way of composing music with others.
A few months ago, it is important to be able to arrange songs you have composed, but it is also important to make the melodies and lyrics, and designing the structure of the song as a whole. They are important because they cannot be only learned. You need that sense of gift for that part.
The term 'genius' does not suit the 22-year-old composer, nor does he want it. The reason why so many people have their hopes for him is not because he is a genius, but because he has his unique style and sense towards music. The extraordinary 13-year-old boy has become the G-Dragon of today, and people anticipate him in the long run because of his potential.
There are sayings that this plagiarism issue is part of the marketing for YG.
- First of all, YG is not clever enough to come up with a marketing plan like this. We also didn't need this kind of publicity especially for G-Dragon, who is already popular as the leader of a famous group and was releasing his first solo album. He is even cutting off his appearance on stage...
There are also rumours that you are having troubles with one broadcasting company, because your artists are not appearing on the stage.
- Whenever I hear about these rumors, I feel bad towards the broadcasting company. I think this was derived because of YG's marketing scheme of appearing only 1 show per week. YG is only concerned about the best program for its artists, we do not try to make better connection with the broadcasting companies. We are not ignoring the broadcasting company, nor does the company boycotting the appearance of YG artists. In the eyes of the broadcasting company, there are way too many artists wanting to appear the show. However, 2NE1 and G-Dragon has not requested to be on any show... It is only fair that they do not need to cast YG artists from their side.
Again, I apologize for any misunderstanding.
Now, the good news:
- This weekend, we are filming Tae Yang's music video "Where U At" with Seo Hyung-Seung PD. We know that his promotion period was extremely short. We are trying to come up with ideas for longer promotion period.
We are planning on releasing the digital single and the music video in mid-October. The estimated date for Tae Yang's full volume cd is still to be announced. I will keep you posted about Tae Yang soon.
On the first weekend of December, there will be G-Dragon's solo concert. It will be held in Olympic Gymnastics Stadium, and there will be two concerts. A detailed notice will be posted up soon, and the tickets willl start seeling sometime after Chusok (October 2-3).
That's it for now. I will try to come back only with the happy news next time.
2009 09 24
From YG
original source: YG Family | translated by 코코마탑횽 @bbvipz (tiptop.mireene.com)
YG hwaiting!!!! =DDDDD
Thanks for this amazing post. I believe YG will live forever. Dying to see GD's solo concert :X
yeah! YG fighting! thank goodness 4 Yang Hyun-Seok to clear things up.
LOL. ALL THOSE SM FANATICS ARE SHUTTING UP NOW. Before the clearing of misunderstandings, u haters take all the opportunity to slander, scold, critisize YG. Now, that the storm has cleared, u guys should stick a thumb into ur own mouth and stop being idiots that take the chance to critisize people while you can. Its a value in life, please learn!
the person above me please get a life .What u say doesnt make sense.What makes u think that all those that flame YG are sm fanatics.
dun blame all the SM fans..
cant SM fans also be the fans of YG..
wat stupid logic are you saying...
really.. like wat the poster above me sae...
get a life..
Im glad YG cleared things up, although I never doubted them even for a heartbeat of a second. This shows how professional and respectful YG really is, and I think it is extrememly disrespectful of Sony ATV by trying to bully YG and even issueing it to the media to be broadcasted when they don't even have all their facts straight. Other companies how own rights to right round don't even care and has dimissed the plagiarism issue, but I guess SONY ATV just wanted some attention
YG is COOL!!! not like JYP..
they explain clearly and in detail of whats happening.. tats good to be YG FANS!!hahaa
JYP SUCKS! how come they can't explain clearly???..ai
I think Sony ATV is wrong to publicly announce that they have sent a warning to YG when they're not even ready yet to sue YG. Such warning should not have been made public. Or maybe such warning should never been made at all in the first place. If they have a case, then go ahead and sue. What they did was to damage the reputation of the artists even before they have enough evidence. Why can't Sony ATV work FASTER and just sue when they're ready? Yes, plagiarism is a serious matter. But accusation of plagiarism is also a serious matter. So better take these things to the court, not the media.
@7:55am shut up u are such a stupid idiot. not all are from SM.