f(x)'s Luna is my favourite f(x) member.They performed on Inkigayo which was aired yesterday at 4 pm kst.
Before they performed their hit song "La Cha Ta",they were interviewed by the MC's Woo Young and Taecyeon of 2PM.
They were supposed to bow and make some intros about themselves to the audiences.However,Luna has forgotten to bow while the other members were bowing ,do you know the reason??
Find out the reason from the Gif below and have some laughs!
I have made a video for this incident..
Lastly,this is the third episode of f(x)'s Funny Moment,please watch!
Cr: dreamwiz + kpoprants@wp
Shared by Kacey @ Daily K Pop News!
aw thats cute haha and taec was trying to tell her shes missing the group bow lol
she look to other side so miss the bow..
oh cmon. who DOESNT get mesmerized by taec.
haha so cute !
TAEC was telling her "you missed the bow" LOL cute!
Rofl when I saw their interview I myself was too busy looking at taec that I missed the fact that she missed the bow. Taec has us under his spell. LOL
you guys right..i also didnt realize she miss to bow..lol..
ew, she looks indian WTF LOL
hey, racist much?
no lol, i mean she's so black xD her skin , for an asian is so black lol
an asian doesnt mean tht they have fair skin..
i'm asian but i'm not a fair skin..
btw..taeckyeon looks cute here...^^
but is it me or wooyoung looks a bit sad??
hahahahaha...taec the gorgeous
maybe the leader didn't loudly count before they bow, she might not heard it because Taec's charisma is screaming!! lmao!!
krystal and amber bow really hard...lol
Pictures from jessica and krystal ;)
lol, it so funny..
I also didn't realize she didn't do the group bow..
lol i dont think many people noticed that she didn't bow because most viewers are looking at Taec
thats hilarious lmfao.
I'm asian and my skin ia dark! dude!! that's sort of ignorant.
it's so cute...wkkwkw
of course. taekyeon is hot!
Who wouldn't <333