[Video] 090909 Eunhyuk: métro??

Here’s the cutest fancam ever lol.

Eunhyuk first ask ‘how do you know me?‘ and the girl answers ‘by internet’.

That confirms again his puppy eyes, he was not tired but really really surprised.

After that, he’s searching for the subway: he’s even not at the right place! lol

He’s actually at the bus and taxi place. He almost get lost.

credits: aminteitha @ youtube

  1. Kenna says:

    AWWWS. eunhyuk is so cute!!!

  2. Anonymous says:

    teukie is right! there is definitely possibility that he will be lost. hahaha!

  3. Anonymous says:

    i dont know, he is so cute with his english. it was actually pretty clear though XD

  4. Anonymous says:

    Cute English Eunhyuk speaks! :D

  5. PATTT says:

    So cute!XD I remember how he spoke in English in SuJu Full House XD

  6. Anonymous says:

    Cute eunhyuk. :D he looks so cute in the video!

  7. Anonymous says:


  8. Hi ^^

    first Its nice to have put the creditsecond his english was very clear when he knew how to say it kk
    even when he said some words and sentence in frnch to us very very good for a beginner ^^

    eunhyuk is a very kind and friendly person ^^

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