Today is.. delightful

Hello I'm Super Junior Donghae!^^First of all since I got so many happy birthday congratulations I'm so happy and thankful!I exist because I have ELF!!I do!!I love you ELF...^^!!

Besides this, Eeteuk also wished him at his sidebar in cyworld:

..My dongsaeng Donghae..

..Happy birthday!!^^/..

Happy Birthday Donghae~~!!
Isn't it nice to hear him say 'I love elf!' ?
keke, Everybody wished him yet? :)

Credit: translated by Gaia @ sj-world.net

  1. Anonymous says:

    saengil chukahamnida!!!!

    saranghae oppa ..


  2. Anonymous says:

    happy birthay oppaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa <3 :X

  3. Woodong says:

    Donghae oppa happy birthday ^-^

  4. Anonymous says:

    happy birthday my cute fishy..
    be strong and healthy..
    stay happy as you are...^-^

  5. Anonymous says:

    fishy fishy!!
    east sea!!
    hepy butday~~

  6. z@R@ says:

    donghae oppa, saengil chukkae ^^
    always stay healthy and may all d best thing in d world b yours.. <3 <3

  7. Anonymous says:

    happy birthday fishy :D ;)

  8. Anonymous says:

    as much as i want to greet him... i have no idea how my greet would reach him. anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY FISHY! Always be healthy and happy with other suju members :D


  9. Anonymous says:

    happy birthday lee dong hae!!

  10. Minako says:

    Happy Birthday DongHae oppa :D

  11. Anonymous says:

    happy bday fishy!!! =D

  12. Anonymous says:

    Happy Birthday FISHIEEEE

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