[News] SS501 new style fascinated fans

Male with thicker and stronger make-up actually has a different kind of charm. Making use of thicker eye liner to make the eye sight sharper, this type of make up technique is currently popular smoky (Goth) make-up. Male artists have started to use this type of make-up to attract public attention.

Boy group SS501 and also Big Bang's G-dragon and other male artists are the representative for smoky make-up. Recently SS501 is going to release their mini album 'Rebirth', they released an indifferent cover design of this mini album yesterday.

In the photograph, we can see a dreamy atmosphere in the picture, the members who wore thick smoky make-up exude an entirely different sexy masculinity. Their management company mentioned, after the long wait of 1 year 7 month, SS501 hope to present to all a new reborn image, and want to transform from their original image of child-like cute teenage group.

Some groups have used thick make-up to emphasize the so called 'male beauty' since debut, for example the new 5 male group which is discovered by Rain, they also debut in this style, using dark colour styling to emphasize the group's direction. Other than using thick make-up, thick eye make-up is also used to emphasize its effect; some even emphasize their moustache, to show their maturity.

Related personnel in this circle pointed out that: "If costumes and accessories could not breakthrough the visual effect, then smoky make-up is most effective." Most artists are willing to make the image change. However, the biggest issue is not whether it would looked good or not, but the focus is how to educate the general public's positive acceptance towards male with thick make-up, this should be the most important subject currently.

Credit: Sports Hankook + SS601 + (Chinese translation) julieann@hyunjoongchina.com + (English translation) SS501UFO.blogspot.com + Quainte501.com

2 Responses so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    SS501 looks so HOT!!!

  2. Yumi says:

    WOW...like it..they look so ya..hot!

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