[Video] SNSD and F(x) Chocolate Love music video is out!

A few weeks ago LG got SNSD and f(x) to be their endorsers for their latest phone collection 'Chocolate'. SNSD and f(x) had two versions for the CF. SNSD with the ballad pop and F(x) with the electro pop. We've all been waiting for the music video ever since the full audio of both versions were releasedand now its it's finally here. In my opinion, SNSD version is white while F(x) is dark. Both version show off different type of style. Do comment and let us know what you think about it.



Credits:blueprincess824,ddadar @dkp

  1. Anonymous says:

    OMG!! *nosebleed*
    SNSD's so sexy and hot!! They all look gorgeous and beautiful!! SNSD hwt!!
    SNSD <3!!!
    f(x)'s done a really great job too ^^ f(x) ftw!

  2. Anonymous says:

    yah,that right..i like more snsd between f(x)..snsd so gorgeous n sexy...i gve 5 star to snsd..hahahah

  3. Anonymous says:

    aahh! amber took off her jacket hahaha. makes her more girly-looking.jjang

  4. Anonymous says:

    SNSD!! That was so HOT!! It was sexy & mature yet sexy!! Keke
    Really liked f(x)'s version too but was it just me or did it seem like there was a lot of girl-girl closeness haha xD

  5. Anonymous says:

    this time...somehow i like f(x) better..

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