[news] Seungri < Hyun Joong?

The Family Outing episode you all have been waiting for has arrived ladies and gentlemen. For those of you who haven’t keeping up with the show, Big Bang’s Daesung recently got into a car accident and while he heals, the group’s maknae, Seungri has taken his place. So in the first clip, the cast goes all giddy when he jumps out of the car, decked out in a suit and all and though he’s kind of the special guest on the show, he gets completely overshadowed when the next van pulls up with pretty boy Hyun Joong in it. Poor Seungri. Lots of eye candy on this episode, but the only man I’m keeping my eyes on are Kim Jong Gook.

Watch the clip here:

Watch the cast go scuba diving & act out Baywatch here:

Watch Hyun Joong match up with his ideal girl here:

cr: ellie @ seoulbeats
Lemongrass0704 for videos

2 Responses so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    sorry Seungri =)

  2. Anonymous says:

    old man seungri is coming ahhh!!!

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