SM bring Zhang Li Yin back now. Remember her single, “Timeless” with Xiah Junsu? Well SM Entertainment just uploaded the videos to the single today and I know they’re old and we’ve seen it all, but maybe SM is giving us indirect hints about Zhang Li Yin? Her vocals are nothing short of amazing and the mix of her and Xiah’s voices together feels like your flying through ballad heaven. It’s perfect! And I forgot well both Hankyung and Siwon acted in this MV.
A lot of people always dub ____ as the next Boa, but SM Entertainment once dubbed Zhang Li Yin as the next Boa and I have to say I totally and utterly agree. As much as I love Boa, her vocals don’t compare to this Chinese talent.
cr: ellie @ seoulbeats
sment @ youtube
why does Hankyung always die?? T_T
ZLY is super talented. like, honestly, she has soooo much more talent than those shit-faced losers: SNSD.
sm should spend more money to promote ZLY rather than pay those 9 "singers" to shake their butt on a stage
who are to say to snsd that way..you're crazy..you look up your face in the mirror..'tengok cermin la sikit'. btw,, sm know what to do.. you don't have to teach them.. although zly is a good singer,, snsd also has good singers and can dance too.. why do you have to bashing snsd..idiot..
since when did this post say anything about snsd? lol?
and by the way there are nothing in this post that teach SM what to do. This is basically their own point of view. Everyone has their point of view.Obviously ,in the post above there are no bashing and stuff.
well, i think maybe SM plan to put ZLY in SNSD but maybe due to some reason?? but honestly speaking she's really talented. the Y documentation proves that she can dance!! sooner or later, she'll come out with something new n cool! just wait!
no offence.
I hope this is true...ZLY is so talented. as much as i don't like comparing artists...i have to say ZLY, BOA, and The Grace are the most talented female artist in SM compared to you guys know who ... i hope SM will promote ZLY and The grace more...i miss them.