Here is Hongki's cyworld entry, on August 11, 2009, he talked about his beloved hyung => Kim Hee Chul. OMG, he really loves Heechul!!!
Read it inside this post!
Written on 2009.08.11 at 03:13
Heechul-hyung is
The best AB-type kekekeke
That is why I like hyung kekekekekekekekekeke
It has been quite some time since we met... and only a bowl of omori jjigae**
are shared among four person..
Because i had been doing my promotions
They allowed me to rest during gatherings...
No.. They can't do this. kekekekekekeke
ke* A laughing sound
omori jjigae** A type of kimchi stew
Credits: Hongki Cyworld
Translated: korean to chinese bubu@FTICN
chinese to english Liin@sj-world.net
but still curious, why does he likes heechul so much?? is it because both of them have the same blood-type?? LOL~~
Haha ^^
ab club ftw!lol...
now i wonder which blood type am i??
could it b ab type?? heheheh