# New Release #
* 2NE1
# Comeback Stage #
* Kim Tae Woo
* Ten
# Hot Solo Debut #
* Ryan
# TAKE 7
* G-Dragon
* 4Minute
* Jewelry
* Kara
# Fresh Music #
* Miss $
# Hot Music
* f(x)
* Bada
* Tiara
* Hong Jin Young
# Power Rookie #
* Supreme Team
# Extras
* Digital Music Chart: Tiara's Ji Yeon and Hyo Min
* Public Transport Campaign Song: Brown Eyed Girls
* 2NE1
# Comeback Stage #
* Kim Tae Woo
* Ten
# Hot Solo Debut #
* Ryan
# TAKE 7
* G-Dragon
* 4Minute
* Jewelry
* Kara
# Fresh Music #
* Miss $
# Hot Music
* f(x)
* Bada
* Tiara
* Hong Jin Young
# Power Rookie #
* Supreme Team
# Extras
* Digital Music Chart: Tiara's Ji Yeon and Hyo Min
* Public Transport Campaign Song: Brown Eyed Girls
Stay with us to watch the videos!!
Performers list credits to Inkigayo thread @ Soompi!
is BADA performing her song with taec?
make sure you upload ji yeon and hyo min
can someone answer me? who's is this ryan guy?
Ryan in a member of Male Group 'PARAN'
He has his solo single recently
hoo.. he seems diff here.. btw, thx a lot for answering..
and thx for shiring this vid dkp..
amber is hot here..
When will you post 2NE1's "In the Club" performance. I'm getting pneumonia here... Please upload it fast... It's my only hope for cure...
omg 2ne1 you rock, totally!
Again, 2NE1's performance of "In the CLub" proves that Dara is not deserving to be in the group...crack in the second verse? And she's totally having a hard time singing.
And yes, people would bash me but who cares? I'm just being objective...I love the rest but Dara needs to go!
GD IS THE MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
congrats 4 the winning..
2ne1 in da club so cool!!
2ne1 fans- stop hating dara...we shoiuld support all of them..dara need time n she will improve..
Dara just can't hit the high notes while dancing, what's wrong with that. i'm from choir and i can't even hit that high, plus she's dancing while singing. well if you can hit that high and dance at the same time i have nothing to say, but Dara's what makes 2NE1. if you love 2NE1, you should be loving the 2NE1 with Dara in it.
4minute is too hit from the rest..they should win sometimes..but congrate to gd;)
thanks for uploading these vid.. i appreciate it. fan of kpop from singapore.
erm please no bashing of ANY members of a certain group.Stop hating dara if you like 2NE1.Dara is improving fast much BETTER than other groups who aren't progressing at all in other areas.
I wonder why Jewelry is in take 7 as they have the least fans chanting -.-..
@Jaz...there are other basis such as sales and standings in online charts...I feel bad for Jewelry since they are a very great veteran...just wrong timing with their comeback...
to the 8th comment, lol, maybe u must have been bashed by 2NE1's fan for ur bad comments in older news hahaha i can see through ur attitude ;)). Just looking at urself to realize how good u are??? =.=. Dara has improved step by step and we love dara for her effort :X:X:X 2NE1 fighting :X:X PS: u dont't have the right to put dara out of 2NE1 ;))
u know wat guys?
best thing about dara?
she pulls up a PERFECT EXPRESSION of face when singing.
i min, look at her face there, perfect for the mood & for the song.
dont forget dara got a #1 digital single
I think that, in behalf of the fans that support and cheer for 2NE1, is that we have loved them not just because of talent but because of the charisma and the sincerity that they are showing us as true persons. Their just doing what they love to do and it doesn't matter even if others feel dissappointed of them, as long as they are happy of what they are doing and that they make their fans happy. I love them because they don't show some sense of desperation just like some other new groups right there whom you can see trying to act or look and smell good to their fans, always trying hard to organize fan meetings, sugar-coated statements which you can really feel and distinguish.
We love 2NE1 because we decided to love them as well as their music and the groove in their dancing. We have not been invited to fancy fan gatherings or things like that. 2NE1 gave us the choice and the choice that we still now have is," to stick to them" 'till the end. Dara may crash out of note, but that can't be a bad issue. Michael Jackson also had the same incident on one of his concerts in 2007.
If there is any such mistake that we should watch out for and that that would bury in any fan's heart is that when the mistake is a "mistake of attitude". Dara is as good as anyone else, and will always be a big part of 2NE1's success, and you cannot deny that.
totally agree with u :X:X:X i love 2NE1 because of both their talent and their personality :)) they always show the truth of themselves, never try to act :X:X really really love them
2ne1 totally rock it!!...all i can say is a WOW for their perf..!! dara may have mistakes but it doesn't mean that she should not be belong to the group..she already proved herself!! I love 2ne1 as a group!!..it wont be complete without dara!! they are the best!! they just got what it takes to be a star!!!...they never failed us..!!they always bring us amazing perf!!! love 2ne1 soo much
congrats to G Dragon
love GD also!!
im soo happy for him..^_~..
2ne1 ah gogogo
GD ah gogogo
YG family ah gogogo
In KPOP, the battle now is not just about talent, good looks or having a flawless performance. Now, a performance will always have to be looked for, if and only if it has the "Heart in it". The love of performing. It's not impressing and telling others that, "look at us fannies.... can't you see how talented we are....bow for us...tell us that we're the best!" In the end, it's not gonna be that way and the most enduring people that will always prevail and stay for a long time in the industry are the ones that show the purest attitude... To 2NE1, just perform and do what you love to do. "True happiness is when we find ourselves being truly happy that we feel so satisfied of ourselves." That even if no supporter claps on our side of the stage, the most important thing is that we're cheering on for ourselves and loving it like we're the best performers of our own.
2NE1 has the HEART of PERFORMING...thats why i love them!...they are enjoying themselves while performing, and i just love it..2ne1 fighting
yay,gd won congratz...its come again,dara's hater..every single 2ne1's articles/news/performances,he/she always makes a controversy statement..as always..4 me,its just conspiracy..just ignored him/her..
love 2ne1..they r the best..i love their expressions and everything about them in this performance..4 me,its perfect..
2ne1<333333333 gd<333333333333 ftw
Tac and Wooyong still doing their job, it mush be really hard for them to face all the hottest because jay's issue
i think i am kinda of selfish, if i were Tac and Wooyong i won't MC the show anymore because i will wait jay till his back, and im probably in the mood to air.
seems like they want to move on and just trying to forget Jay's issue, but seriously 2pm without jay, our hottest won't give that much support anymore..
i know im selfish, im sorry, just because i love JAY SO MUCH!!!
Hey someone above !!!
You wanna say that without Jay, the rest of 2PM should do nothing huh?
Stop saying that selfish !!!
Don't you think they aren't hurt with the issue???
You never be true to 2PM if you would never support 2PM without Jay !!!
Korean antis people destroyed Jay's dream
and now HOTTESTs are trying to destroy the rest 2PM 's dream.....
Aren't the rest boys important for you HOTTEST?????
Dara may not be a great singer, but her looks and dancing helps to balance out the not so attractive members. Bom looks like she is punched in the face and CL and Minzy aren't very beautiful. As a group, they have good songs, good dancing, vocals are adequate for the style of music. We aren't talking about opera here.
If you think 2NE1 should be only made of members who can sing and rap well with no consideration to looks, you don't have any business sense. 2NE1 is a business, that needs more than music sales to be successful. Korean music doesn't pay enough to support an artist. They must branch out to other forms of entertainment and revenues.