Although the "After School Craze" has died down a bit since the end of their "Diva" promotions, After School still has been pretty busy performing at festivals all over Korea even while they are working on a new album.
Although the girls of After School are working on their next album, due to come out in October, the girls made time in their schedules to perform at the DoBongSun Festival on September 25th, 2009. Although videos have not been uploaded yet, AfterSchoolCraze has released pictures from the event. Member Soyoung was absent from the performance and is rumored to be sick. From the outfits to Gahee's signature hands-on-head hip sways, one can tell that these beautiful girls performed "Diva". Also, I never knew that Gahee had a tattoo on her wrist! Check out the photos from the event below!
Make sure to check back later for video updates!
Credits: AfterSchoolCraze & OMGkpop