[news] G-Dragon’s me2day Update (26 Sept) 26 09 2009

오랫만에 날씨가좋아서 한강을다녀왔어요 땀도흘리고간만에 나왔더니 좋네요. 그나저나 가호가 엄청 커버려서 이젠못안고다녀요..휴다들좋은하루되세요^^..또연락할께

It’s been a long time since the weather has been good, so I went to the Han River. After sweating after a long time, I felt good. However, GaHo has become bigger so I can’t hold him anymore..sigh. Have a good day everyone^^..I’ll contact you soon

Source: Soompi

  1. Anonymous says:

    did fans recongnize him?
    he has a eye-catching blonde hair~

  2. Lorraine Tsang says:


  3. Anonymous says:

    gd is now close to Gaho then Seungri, T.T

  4. Anonymous says:

    wow, Gaho has gotten big, lol probably as a result of GD spoiling him...the pic is so cute...thanks for sharing. Such a relief to know that he is doing good.

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