2NE1, will appear as characters in ‘Sudden Attack‘ following suit after their seniors Big Bang who endorsed it earlier this year.
For those who are not familiar with sudden attack it’s the #1 game in Korean Internet cafes. They will use 2NE1’s looks and voice in the eye-catching game and will also use the song PRETTY BOY.
‘Sudden Attack’ which debuted in Korea in 2005 and it was then spread to the United States, Japan, China, Taiwan, Vietnam etc..
Source: kailie87@soompi + KPOP JJANG
omg..r u sure..wow,this new surprise me..2ne1 hwaiting!!
they fit very well - they look like ugly enough.
O_O do u hate 2ne1 tad much? i dun tink they did anytin 2 piss off any1? wad do they haf wif u? stop bashin n if u dun like em just let it b. lets make the world a better place.
second guy shut up
ugly like you
to 2nd poster...maybe your blind!!!...cant you see how gorgeous and fierce they are!!!...why do people like bashing other girl group!! can't they just shut their dirty mouths!!!