Original text:
안녕^^ 안녕 .. 2009-09-26 오전 2:23:08
보고싶다 빨리 다들 보고싶어
우리멤버들 다들 빨리 너희들 보고싶어해 ..!
조금만 기다려 금방가니까
몇일만 좋은꿈꾸면서 기다려줘 ^^ 금방갈께요..
우리 열심히하고있어..
멋지게 실망안시킬꺼니까..^^
너네 깜짝 놀랄지모르니 ! 긴장바짝하구있어!!
우리 깜짝 놀랄모습으로 너네보러가니까 !
안녕 . 잘자 ^^ 히,,
Very miss our Pea Princesses~ Also hope to see all of you!
All the other members also really hope to see all of you who are so cute (saying to fans)
Just wait for a little while~ we will meet again soon
With a beautiful dream , just wait for few more days, very fast, we will come back!
SS501 has been working hard everyday to improve
Will show our charming side to come back and would not let you disappointed
Everybody please look forward, we will give you a shock!
We will come back very soon~ with a perfect side
Just like this, Good night, hehehe…
Credit: SS601 +(Chinese translation) julieann@hyunjoongchina.com + (English translation) SS501UFO.blogspot.com
Please repost with full credit.
SS501 are perfect! Kyu jong oppa, Triple S is always with you!
SS501, FIGHTING! Yeay!