[DKP NEWS] Hottests show support on Music Bank yesterday!

On yesterday's Music Bank,an audience who is believed to be a "Hottest",showed a banner with "ssa u ja JYP" written on it,the meaning of the statement is "Fighting,JYP".This shows that the hottests really want JYP to bring Jae Beom back to Korea.

Besides,I have also found the official poster for Dream Concert 2009,Jae Beom is still in the poster,so i believe that he will appear on the concert which will be held on 10th October at Seoul World Cup Stadium.The poster is as below.

Kacey @ Daily K Pop News

  1. Anonymous says:

    yeah....JYP bring back d sexy leader Jaebeom 2 Korea....
    so we can see 2pm again!!!!!

  2. Anonymous says:

    10th october??? MY BIRTHDAY!! my best birthday present of the world!!

  3. Anonymous says:

    i hope so~

  4. Anonymous says:

    may jay be back??..i really hope so..:)

  5. Anonymous says:

    OMG...r u sure JYP bring back jaebum???

  6. Anonymous says:

    omg~ why JYP? fk tat jyp ...
    should be fighting jay!!!

  7. Anonymous says:

    bring jay back!
    he deserves to be where he
    belongs, in 2PM!
    we miss you and we love you jay!
    bring jay back!

  8. Anonymous says:

    Yeah, bring JaeBeom back!
    I'm like, missing his abs ._.

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