A number of the boys will be in thailand on the 23-26 for their 12plus activities (shooting new CF and interaction with fans events).
Some fans were wondering if Kangin would be attending the event as scheduled. 12Plus staff has left a message on the official site saying that SM does not want Kangin participating in any of the activities (especially in front of the press). He will shoot the CF as scheduled. Also, (i guess 5 lucky fans were suppose to give kangin gifts personally?) another member will replace Kangin’s place for the gift giving activity.
cr:my12plus/pairable@sj-world.net/re-written by stalker93
Wewh! Kangin.. Faittooo oh!
It would be good to keep out of media for now. Suju Kangin hwaiting!! ^^
suju is better without him and his problems.