[NEWS]U.S. media is raising suspicions about G-Dragon’s plagiarism issue

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U.S. media has raised suspicion of the leader of top boy-band Big Bang, G-dragon (Kwon Ji-yong)’s plagiarism.

Pollstar.com, a popular website covering the worldwide concert industry, posted an article titled “The Other Kind Of Song-Sharing” on Tuesday. It introduced G-dragon’s solo debut album and said two songs were accused of plagiarism by several publishing companies in Korea.

Soon after being released on Aug.18, the title song of G-dragon’s album, “Heartbreaker,” has drawn suspicion that it was copied from American hip-hop singer Flo Rida’s “Right Round.”

In late August, the Korean music publishing companies that hold rights to American hip-hop singer Flo Rida’s “Right Round,” announced that they have found similarities in “Right Round” and “Heartbreaker.”

Warner Chappell Music Korea, which owns 50 percent of the copyright to the song, said they were convinced after checking the controversial song that the intro of “Heartbreaker” was copied from “Right Round.”

In response to this, Warner Chappell and Sony ATV said they have noticed the resemblance and will check with the composers of “Right Round.”

“However, EMI Music said it saw no similarity.” the U.S website said.

Pollstar.com also mentioned that another track from G-dragon’s album, “Butterfly,” sounds similar to British rock band Oasis’ “She’s Electric.”

Both G-dragon and his agency, YG Entertainment, have not addressed the public as of yet.

The singer and his management’s “no comment” on this issue is becoming a target of severe criticism.

Despite the controversy over the 21-year-old star, all tracks of the album have ranked as No. 1 on K-pop charts since their release.

Cr: korea herald english

  1. Anonymous says:

    i think they do sound alike but is it plagiarism? most likely! was it intentional? probably not.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Idc to listen to those artist his being compared to ..
    G-DRAGON has his own style and
    his awesome <333
    wish him the best

  3. Anonymous says:

    People have been finding similarities between about 10 songs of GD's and Big Bang's. The first few times are ok but then you start to wonder....

  4. Anonymous says:

    The truth is, that it is hard to make something original. First time I heard Heartbreaker I just thought it's in the techno-trance style that my brother listens to all the time. But when he started to sing and rap I have already forgot about it, until I read the comments on Ytube and something in my head clicked.
    I love 'Right Round', but really? 'Heartbreaker' other that those few first seconds isn't similar at all. I wouldn't probably notice it if I didn't like Right Round so much as to playing it 30 times in a row.
    And I don't know where is the similarity between 'She's Electric' and 'Butterfly'... :/ Have to listen to both of them more then...
    But if G-Dragon did it purposely (God forbid!), then I really loose all respect for him. Because he's amazing and awesome and didn't need to plagarise. But if he didn't - I would love to hear an apology from all those music companies...

  5. Anonymous says:

    I think that other people just cant stand to see other very talented minorities be on the top so they come up with things to get them to drop only! G-Dragon is a # on my the greatest and most excillent and tallented singer list and who gives a damb about who copies who. I have heard so many songs being copied already, so whats the big deal! As long as the singer sounds good and he/she makes the songs sound good then everythings all good! Another thing that i am also thinking about this isue is that it might be all about money isue too! G-Dragon ain't copied no one so STOP finding ways to get money from him. Just cause he got talent doesnt mean you people need to be hating! YOU GO G-DRANGON! EVERYONE WILL BE SUPPORTING YOU ALL THE WAY! FIGHTING!!!!!!!

  6. Anonymous says:

    plagiarism is plagiarism. there is no excuse for it.

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