[POLL] Who's the Better Pitcher: Kara's Seung-Yeon or SNSD's Yuri

So we've seen the best of the best girl groups strut their stuff on the baseball field. Yet, the question is.. who did it better?

Kara's Seung-Yeon and Ji-Young

SNSD's Yuri and Seo Hyun

For those who has followed SNSD from the start, you would know Yuri's baseballs skills has...
Let's say she lost a hold on them. The videos above are recent videos from this year.
Here's a video of Yuri pitching back in the days in 2008.

SNSD's Yuri and Soo Young

  1. Anonymous says:

    In term of CUTENESS, I vote for Seungyon and Jiyoung "Butt" dance!!!!

  2. Anonymous says:


  3. Anonymous says:

    of course is yuri!!!

  4. Anonymous says:

    I AM !

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