「One of Asia’s biggest group Dong Bang Shin Ki(DBSK), has 3 of its members in a possible lawsuit against their own company SM Entertainment. DBSK members Xiah JunSu, Micky YooChun and Hero JaeJoong had gone to Seoul Central District Court to hand in an application for provisional disposition to terminate all effects of their exclusive belonging rights contract with SM on 31st July. This raised concern among fans about the group's potential break up. By hearing this out breaking news, overseas fans have put their efforts into an international project. A DBSK’s overseas fan who’s the mastermind of this project has created a channel at YouTube and posted the video by 21st of September entitled, “동방신기 DBSK International Fansong Project 2009”.
Fans are from MALAYSIA, SINGAPORE, VIETNAM, THAILAND, BRUNEI, MYANMAR, and even from USA, ENGLAND, GREECE, AUSTRIA, GERMANY, PERU, and SPAIN. These fans recorded a video of themselves singing DBSK’s song; “Don’t Say Goodbye”. Eventhough the song is in Korean, it’s not a big deal for these fellow fans.
“Don’t Say Goodbye” video made by the fans is corresponding with the lawsuit case and these international fans just want to show that the different in nationalities and language spoken may not be a great barrier between DBSK and international fans. This video is one of their thousand ways to convey their love and support for DBSK, their idol.
In the video, they’ve put some messages saying that,
-“We may not speak good Korean”
-“We may not be professional singers”
-“But this is our way of saying, Our Beloved DBSK, Thank You for the Music…”
-“Even though we may not share the same skin colors…,”
-“Even though we may not speak the same languages…,”
-“Your music and hard work have brought us smiles”
-“Even we can’t wipe your tears…”
-“or share your pain…”
-“Please know that we are behind you no matter where we are…”
-“Always keep the faith!”
The messages are so warm and sad. The overseas fans are hoping for this lawsuit case which cause a very hard time for DBSK being solved quickly and the relationship between DBSK and their agency, SM Entertainment to be reconciled.
No one can hide this good news from DBSK fans. The videos recently have become hit and many people were posting this video at their forums, blogs or other fan sites and cafes. It’s all about wishing and praying for DBSK and SM Entertainment to solve their case with peace.
Three of the five members of K-pop group DBSK are creating a stir by taking legal action against their management agency. Hero, Micky and Xiah submitted Friday to the Seoul Central District Court an application for provisional disposition to terminate the validity of their contract with SM Entertainment, Yonhap News reported Saturday. Max and U-Know did not take part in the legal action. This situation are said to cause the complication among them as a band but one of the members has stood up and said, “There are no such disbanding issues. It’s all rumors and we’re still in good relationship.”」
Credit: DBSKnights
Translation: sparklingmickyoochun.blogspot.com
This is one of the videos that the fans made :).
Credit: IntlFansongProj
Credits: luv4dbsk
Credit: 一毛 (Yi Mao) @www.shenfengchou.com ~
Always Keep The Faith ! :)