[Video] 2PM and g.o.d on Sang Sang Plus - Eng Sub [Part 2 is out]

Do you miss Jaebeom? I do! Remember the video cuts of 2PM's Nichkhun, Jaebeom and Taecyeon on September 1st's episode of Sang Sang Plus? Recently the show has already been subbed and we're here to let you see Jaebeom and the other members on the show which also features g.o.d's members as guests. Check it out!

-Next part will follow as soon as it's uploaded-


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  1. Anonymous says:

    jay, i miss you so much T_T

  2. Anonymous says:

    i miss the 7memebers band, 2PM. I believe Jay will be back soon... FIGHTING

  3. jaebeom oppa...
    i miss you so MUCH!

  4. Minako says:

    Yeah, I believe that he will come back soon too.
    I feel sad when 1 of the god members said that they're the main members of 2PM.
    All 7 of them is one.

  5. Anonymous says:

    jay! miss you so much !please consider to come back for us !

  6. Anonymous says:

    oppa! We miss you like crazy. We all hope you will come back.

  7. Anonymous says:

    PARK JAEBUM :'( T_T i miss him

  8. Anonymous says:

    I truly admire JAY coz he has courage to said that he was sorry for what he said before.Being a gentleman and having a humble heart need courage to admit that he did mistake.And that was Jay who truly changed to be a better person.For "Jay" you must need courage now to stand and comeback just gather strenght from God.I'll pray for you.God bless you.Please remember this Bible verse "PHIL 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me".

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