With the recent NYC post-it event as well as the K-Hottest protest at the JYP office in Korea, many supporters of Jaebum are doing whatever they can to get the 2PM leader back. However, Jung Eun Jung, a writer for 'Wild Bunny', a reality show featuring the boys of 2PM, has tried a different approach to try and get Jaebum to comeback.
Supporters of Jaebum have used many different tactics to try and get their one and only leader of 2PM back to Korea. From trying to stop him at the airport on the day of his departure to posting post-its on the walls of the JYP building to protesting JYPE, 'Wild Bunny' writer Jung Eun Jung has resorted to a rather intersting approach to try to get him back.
Jung Eun Jung wrote on her CyWorld today:
Park Jaebum! (translator's note: she actually spelled it "Park Jaebeum", I suspect that it's a play on his name.)
If you don't come back from Seattle right now...
That one-shot we shot where you suffered in the hot bathroom just to scare your members!
I will cut it all out!
...that's what I want to threaten you with, but...
...I'm just a writer. Hehe.
This is a rather cute attempt of blackmail to get Jaebum back. With the recent somber messages that his fellow peers have been leaving him, it's nice to see a light hearted attempt at getting Jaebum back. Hopefully this will put a smile back on the leadja's face and that when the other boys of 2PM see it, they will smile a genuine smile.
hahha...what a cute wirter:)
PARK JAEBUM PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE COME BACK....we want you back in 2pm...
if tis adds to the help to get jaebum bac, i would b pleased
jae come back T___T
Without Jaebum there is no 2pm
hahazz cute way of trying to bring Jay back...
needless to say everybody want Jaebeom back....
oh yeah...haha funny writer..see everyone love you park jaebeum! again..tihihi
jaebum,,please come back,,,
they are still a lot of people love u,,,me too..<3
'stop sulking..come here babyjaebom,come back to korea'*in cute way*
jay did a lot of sacrifices...1.)he acknowledged his past mistakes (which others would deny), 2.) apologized over it (which to some saying sorry seems to be the hardest word to utter),3.)leaving 2pm and fans heart broken, crying and screaming begging him not to go and 4.) going back home to Seattle which he thought the best way possible to save the 6 members and jype 5.) even if it means losing his very promising showbiz career in South Korea, perhaps hoping his decision might cool down the situation...but from the turn out of events it happens the other way around...(hottests protest over jype for jay's return, 2pm members activities cancelled,creating more issues and speculations)...the aftermath of the scandal wouldn't end as fast as jay left... everbody knows this is the most painful and tough times for the members, jype, hottests,jay's family and friends and most of all jay himself (the direct target of the controversy)...we can't blame the hottests to do things they think the most that can be done to bring jay back...this is an act of love and overflowing support which jay is worthy of but again give jay the time he deserves to reflect, realize and think over things he needs to... no one knows what lies ahead after all these tremendous heart breaking reality...whatever it maybe, just hope it will be for the common good of everyone (including the antis....a person maybe materially affluent but having a heart full of resentment is a burden in itself...it's just a matter of practice...practice unloading those animosity... after all forgiveness brings happiness...)
lol....cute desperate move to bring jay back...i got the feeling he'll be back...just need time to think things over...mind you...sometimes i see the future....and i see he's coming back...lol
hahaha, hi, just here to say something.
i understand that you got that from omgkpop, but i was also credited at the bottom as "xflyjiyong94@2oneday" - 2OD rules state that all credits need to be kept on if you're taking out translations, and i would appreciate it if you credited me.
thank you.