Sorry visitors,i have not been writing articles for quite a long time and i hope that you guys still remember me..haha!
I hope that you are still fresh about SNSD's Sorry Sorry performance on Music Core last Saturday,they performed "Sorry sorry" which is the hit song of one of the most popular boys groups in korea,Super Junior!
Today,KARA performed 2PM's "Again & Again" on Inkigayo.
Which of the two covers above impressed you the most??
Please share your opinion,thanks!!
Watch the videos under the cut!
SNSD did better
both of them did well :)
A/N :Tiara did the worst ! sorry
I liked SNSD's perf but didn't love it. Same thing goes for Kara's perf. Honestly the vocals from both perfs weren't really good, proof that the songs didn't really suit them. So I'll leave it to the dance category, which Kara wins at IMO. So.. 5 wins over 9 for me.
LOL dun tink we shld judge, it was just very short. for ent only anyways. well it was good 4 both 4 now. 50-50
for me, snsd did it better. Just the tutting part, it totally owned the stage. it was amazing.
kara was good too, but it seem like parts there's a little awkward? but actually, it would be the best if we don't compare them, since the songs are different, timing of the songs they perform are also different. :)
SNSD did better.
SNSD all the way, they did it very well
it's like they'r the original..
love snsd 4ever
Snsd did much better imo.
Snsd FTW!
I like SNSD but lets be honest here KARA was much better, I was surprised they could pull off 2pm moves like that and put their own girly twist to it
They both did great. but KARA did wayy better because they sang live and the expression was fierce enough and SNSD didn't even sing ... and if snsd were just 5 to perform it, it won't look the same KARA FTW
well its depend on which original dance you like the most. and which original song you like the most. it's really difficult to judge since there is a lot of difference between. cos i like sorry sorry better in the beginning, i can easily say snsd.
Singing wise... well, SNSD lipsynched and KARA's voices were too weak. Songs like Again&Again require strong voices.
Dancing wise, both did well. I was surprised and happy that KARA could pull off the dance pretty well. For SNSD, tutting was great.
So... I guess it would be who held my attention more and I think that goes to SNSD.
But they both did well and I'm extremely happy for both groups. :)
snsd lyp-sinc , kara sing live . we cant compare them :)) if u want compare so ask to yourself how come :))?
snsd did better!
Of course SNSD.
I like KARA and all,but I think SNSD did much better this time and many times more.
Their song made me wanna dance with them and KARA where just a bit boringX_X
i think they both did good. well snsd did better. Kara got the dance down pretty well but vocally snsd killed them.
snsd moree!!!
snsd the best
i really like KARA too but i have got to admit SNSD did better
Both of their performance were good. But I like KARA's performance more because the dance moves are more suitable for males. KARA really did well haha. SNSD did well too but KARA did better. LOL. :)
Both KARA and SNSD fighting!! :)
kara skip nickhun part, it'd be cute if they did it ^^
snsd better i love kara but honestly, snsd did better since 2pm's song really really hard to dance >"<
These special stages were ordered on short notice and both teams had only little time to practice. Considering that, both just did great. I'd give slight edge to SNSD but really KARA was just as impressive.
Sorry but you can't compare a 57 second perf and a 2min 07 but Kara's perf was better because all the members got his part of sing Kara fighting!!!
of course snsd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
KARA...I mean, they did it LIVE!!!
I liked Kara's.
They did really well. =)
I dont want to be the ass here but what about 2NE1? THey also did a cover last week of Big Bang's Last Farewell. They killed that one!
Seriously, SNSD did. Regarless if it was sung live or not. KARA is boring.
Everyone here is just biased!!!
KARA is better!!! Be objective just for once!
SNSD did much better...
SNSD is the best!!!
kara win automatic
snsd baybay~
kara! why? cause the dancing was amazing and they sang it live and it was longer lol!
snsd was good..but they only did the chorus. the tutting. people looked off. and taeyeon sang like one note/word
so kara! :D
SNSD of course!!! kara's album and stuff this year is kind a boring.. but SNSD improve a lot! im not saying this because "im a fan of SNSD or something.."im just saying the truth. ^_^V
^nah you're just biased...the question is about who did well on their special stage. KARA won obviously!
The dance is just great!!!
just a reminder we're talking about whose performance is better not who has better record sales. KARA all the way. They sang live. SNSD wouldn't sound good if they sang it live.
If SNSD sang it live, maybe people wouldn't be praising their dancing. I don't think SNSD has the ability to sing a song with such an intense choreography.
So for me, Kara is better between the two performance.
I like kara
kara did better..their's was higher in difficulty
kara did way better, their dance were spot on.
no offense to snsd but
lipsync = big turn off.
Kara got boring ever since Sunghee left.
i think they did...ok..i like the snsd version better...maybe jsut cuz i liked suju's song more than 2pm's...but love both the groups!
KARA all the way!!!!!!!!!!!
who cares if kara did it live they suck at singing and no again again is that hard to dance to i can do it myself
can't be compared because it's not the same song and the length of the perf is not the same.
but if it were, snsd will pawn. hahaha.
they both are just ok... kara didn't lipsync and snsd did it, thats no good for snds but if we are talking about the dance i think snsd was much more stronger than kara... kara's dance was a little boring but is just my opinion...
dont even compare a LIVE PERFORMANCE to a LYPSYNCH one, KARA has the upper hand here since they at least "TRIED" to sing. I dont know about SNSD's but I think it sounds better since there not cracking all over the place, but on second thought, they weren't even singing.
Anyways, I agree with one of the posters here, 2NE1 owns these covers <3
definately snsd they made it look so hot ~
kara did good but they just dont suit the song :S
i feel that kara's dance was better but snsd was also not bad!
Kara can pulled the song <3 KARA HWAITING
i'm think kara did it better. : )
As others have said before me, you can't really judge the two performances. SNSD didn't really sing and KARA sang (though not very well, I'll admit). The two dances are totally different too. It all comes down to either which girl group you prefer (because its hard to escape that bias) and which original song/dance you liked better. :P
DEFINITELY KARA....aside from the tutting part (which basically only like two ppl in snsd really did it), Again and Again is actually a harder dance to master...and they sang it live!
SNSD did well too...just that KARA is better
of course is SNSD :)