[NEWS] G-Dragon’s ‘Breathe’ MV Will Be Released 21st Sept!

This is very suprising..... G-dragon has just started his promotions for his first solo album a couple of weeks ago breaking fan-girls hearts all over the world, and now he's making them breathe again with him releasing his follow up single from his title song, Breathe. We've seen a short preview of the music video breathe in the heartbreaker MV but i never thought it would be this soon that he's going to release it.

On his debut as a solo artist weve seen him perform the full song live instead of just a shortcut version and it was pretty intense. If you ask me i think i like breathe more than heartbreaker :)

I hope he'll be performing breathe soon too. I am very excited with these news. Stay tuned in DKP for the release of his music video.

article by: Blueprincess_824 @ DKP

  1. Anonymous says:

    Hmmm seems like YG is moving away from Heartbreaker haha PLAGIARIZER!!!

  2. Anonymous says:

    hey hater go fuck your god dame mother bitch your just mad your not him you fucking pussy shut the fuck up

  3. Anonymous says:

    breathe and HB are the 2 tittle songs...he promotes both at the same time
    lack of information then shut up!!!!

  4. Anonymous says:

    TO COMMENT #1 TAKE UR STUPID ASS OUTER HERE U IDIOT go read more and stop hating on GD just cuz hes shitting on ur idol and winning everything u FUCKING hater..


  5. Anonymous says:

    AHHHH I'm so excited!!! Can't wait for the MV to air!!! I love the song too and the choreography to this song is so fun! The lyrics make me blush a bit, but I think GD is mature enough to be singing these songs LOL

    And to GD haters...plagiarized or not (which hasn't been proven yet)his Album and songs are kicking asses all over the place so you can shut it! you may even secretly like his songs but just don't want to admit it, haha, whatever losers, you are just jealous of his success. Everytime someone makes it big, there always have to be something against them...hmmm this world is too harsh.

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