Singer Lee Seung Gi, has been labeled the blue chip of the MC world in Korean entertainment. He will be working with seonbae Baek Ji Young as MCs for ‘Shall We Dance’.
Lee Seung Gi and Baek Ji Young will be the MCs to the chuseok special ‘Shall We Dance’ with which the airing will take place on 2nd October.
‘Shall We Dance’ is an annual chuseok special show which sees the participation of stars and celebrity taking on various dance sports challenges.
Lee Seung Gi is currently the MCs to the variety shows KBS ‘2 days 1 night’ and recently jumped on board as MC with Kang Ho Dong on SBS ‘Strong Heart’. And also on KBS ‘Shin DongYeop and Shin BongSeon’s Champagne’ because of the popularity of his own corner on the show, recently they did a chuseok special ‘Lee Seung Gi’s ideal type World cup’.
source: sookyeong
wat else can this guy not do?! i mean other than the fact he is a darn good singer with the most sweetest voice! a cute face to go along with it. not to mention he is damn funny in 2D1N (along with the other MCs whom i love so much! GO 2D1N!!!..sorry i strayed out of the topic for a bit >< just couldn't help it)he is a great MC..a great actor as well..he is a real all rounder entertainer! SEUNG GI FIGHTING!!! keep up good and hard work.