With a 7.2% rating for its first episode that sunk even lower to 5.6% by its second, the drama vehicle that was supposed to be the DBSK’s leader Yunho’s big acting debut is not looking very promising. Amid criticism about its choppy editing, awkward acting, and a lack of general flow in the story line, “Manndang” seems like it is a drama series in trouble from the start. Both of its competitors for the wed/thurs time slot, “Lady Castle” and “Swallow the Sun”, are by no means big hits but have been putting up decent numbers with 14.6% and 17.8% respectively. In any case, the drama should at least keep its contingent of DBSK fans happy for a couple more months… and maybe that was the goal of this drama series in the first place.
Yunho oppa hwaiting!
lets just say that it yunho's first drama, so maybe he's still adjusting his acting skills,,,, i love YUNHO!!!! yunho oppa fighting!!!! AJA!