[news] Kim Bum, Lee MinHo and Goo Hye Sun spotted in SS501’s concert

CAPTURED! Kim Bum, Lee Minho and Goo Hye Sun spotted watching SS501's first day concert August 1 in Seoul. Launching the SS501's Asia tour in Seoul was a success and fellow BOF co-stars didnt dissappoint Kim Hyun Joong and watched the concert and supported him and his fellow members. Im pretty sure Kim Hyun Joong is happy to know that his friends and co-stars came to see and support his group's concert!

see more pictures below:

Its really nice to see them support their fellow co-stars in Boys over flowers... thow Kim Joon is missing.. maybe he is busy promoting his single. Looks like a warm friendship has been made between then during their boys over flowers taping since even if the drama has been done they still contact and support each others activities. oh! kim so eun is missing too... i wonder where she is... awh~ was looking forward to kimsoeun-kimbum pictures XD

  1. Anonymous says:

    You're title post is similar to another site: I suggest you change it.

    See here: http://onekpop.com/2009/08/kim-bum-lee-minho-and-gu-hye-sun-spotted-in-ss501s-concert/

  2. Anonymous says:

    That was so sweet of themmmmmmmmmm!!!

  3. Anonymous says:

    i really love men ho and hye sun, and hope another drama/project will bring them together again or BoF season 2. Such a perfect combination.

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